Education pathways

Further study at higher levels in the fields of conservation, environmental management, resource management and iwi environmental management.

Employment pathways

Graduates will have skills and knowledge to undertake a range of Māori and general freshwater and marine positions under broad guidance and be able to lead others in a team, which may include:

  • Marae, hapū, iwi, or hapori advisor
  • Advisor for an environmental, conservation or community organisation
  • Fisheries observer
  • Support Services Assistant, National Institute for Water Atmospheric Research (NIWA) or the Department of Conservation
  • Local, regional, or unitary council positions
  • Te Ohu Kaimoana entry level positions
  • Water treatment plant entry level positions
  • Kaitiaki Officer, Ministry for Primary Industries.


This qualification provides a pathway for graduates to support the development of whānau, hapū and iwi capability and capacity to preserve, nurture and enrich freshwater and marine knowledge for current and future generations.

Contribution to community and cultural roles may include involvement as advisors and knowledge holders for marae, whānau, hapū, iwi, and hāpori pertaining to freshwater and marine bodies including the concepts, philosophies, kawa/ tikanga, and aspirations of mana whenua.


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