Accredited Kaihautū/Facilitator
Contact details
P: 09 4095587
M: 021521379
Accreditation Number: ACC603
Region: Taitokerau
E hara taku toa, he takitahi. He toa takitini.
Ko Waikato te iwi, ko Tainui te waka, Ko Waikato te awa, Ko Ngati Mahanga me Ngati Pukenga nga hapu. Ko Parawera te marae
Professional experience
Nyree is an experienced educator and facilitator with an education background in both Primary and Secondary teaching and leadership. Her experience in facilitation spans a number of domains that includes Assessment for Learning, Secondary Literacy, Culturally Responsive and Relational Pedagogy, and Distance Learning.
Nyree is dedicated to improving the educational experiences and outcomes of students in Aotearoa New Zealand with a particular focus on equity and success for Māori learners.
Nyree’s facilitation expertise models culturally responsive and relational pedagogy in ways that maintain and enhance the mana of all participants – whatever the professional learning foci.
Culturally Responsive and Relational Pedagogy
Nyree has specialist expertise that has successfully supported educators and learning communities to:
- Unpack and identify ’in practice’, the principles of Culturally Responsive and Relational Pedagogy (CRRP)
- Build cultural capabilities and collective efficacy
- Activate transformative change theory into everyday practice
- Support and stretch educator practice through shadow coaching and observation growth training
- Support leadership of structural and transformative change within school communities
- Provide opportunities for collaborative and collegial self-reflection, to co-construct new ways of being within their own context. ie. creating a new status quo
Distance Learning and Digital Fluency
Nyree is be able lead school and communities to:
- Model culturally responsive and relational ways of connecting, creating and celebrating with ākonga and their whanau
- Promote student well-being and hauora within distance and blended learning nodes
- Use digital tools for learning that empower learners to connect, create and celebrate their learning progress and achievement
Assessment for learning
Nyree is be able lead schools and learning communities to:
- Develop deep understanding of what Assessment for Learning is, why it is important and the benefits for students, teachers, schools and communities
- Link Assessment for Learning practice to what works for Māori in terms of Culturally Responsive and Relational pedagogy
- Develop educator knowledge and understanding of Assessment practice
Collaborative practice, mentoring and coaching
Nyree is be able lead schools and communities to:
- Inquire into current practices and best practices that will make a difference for learners
- Use observation and shadow coaching as a means to stretch and improve both individual and collective practice
- Use evidence as a basis for theorising change improvement
- Use kaupapa Māori as a lens for working and learning with others
Professional Learning
Nyree’s most recent professional learning has included;
- National Providers Hui 2019
- Belinda Webber – presentation – Kahui Ako PLD Day
- Nathan Wallis – Kahui Ako PLD Day
- Cousera Well-Being
- Working alongside expert partners, Dr Camilla Highfield (UoA) and Hine Waitere (TWWoA) in 2019 with Kahui Āko (Communities of Learning)

Nyree King is a Kaihautū - Facilitator with Te Āwheonui
Whakapā mai
Contact us
Nyree King
- Phone: 09 409 5587 or 021 521 379
- Email: