Te Pōkaitahi Reo (Rumaki, Reo Rua) (Te Kaupae 1)

Learn basic te reo Māori with this level 1 Māori language course for beginners.
This Level 1 te reo Māori course will give you a basic understanding and awareness of te reo Māori to use among whānau, hapū, iwi and in the community and employment

It provides a pathway to develop skills and knowledge to protect, maintain and enrich mātauranga taonga tuku iho for current and future generations.

Graduates can contribute to community and cultural roles through: 

  • Raising awareness of te reo Māori
  • Becoming dedicated and committed speakers of basic te reo in homes within whānau and communities
  • Support the use of te reo amongst whānau and hapū


View all Māori language courses

Start Date
Sem 1: 10 Feb to 29 Jun 2025, Sem 2: 29 Jul to 15 Dec 2025 (semester 2 enrolments opening soon)
20 weeks
Face to face and blended delivery comprising of noho, wānanga, mixed mode and field visits/practice.
Applications Close
Applications close
Sem 1: 10 Feb 2025, Sem 2: 21 Jul 2025
Campus Location
Whakatāne Campus, Tāmaki Campus, Ngāruahine Hawera, Online: Te Waka a Māui (South Island), Te Ika a Māui (North Island), MBIE.
Min 16 years old. Open entry
Pathway to
Select link below
Tuition fees free

REO101 Mana Tangata 1

Course Type: Core

Description: From this paper, tauira will be able to use te reo Māori vocabulary and grammatical structures at a basic level as an expression of mana tangata. The content areas are:

  • Māori alphabet
  • Basic language command
  • Dialectal difference
  • Language etiquette
  • Language structures to communicate genealogical links (eldest, youngest, parents, brothers, older siblings, younger siblings, children).

REO102 Mana Whenua 1

Course Type: Core

Description: From this paper, tauira will be able to use te reo at a basic level to talk about themselves and their own connections to the land and the environment as an expression of mana whenua. The content areas are:

  • Māori Alphabet
  • Basic language command
  • Dialectal difference
  • Language etiquette
  • Language structures to communicate genealogical links to land (pepeha)
  • Formal and informal greetings and farewells
  • Identity

REO103 Mana Reo 1

Course Type: Core

Description: Apply technical knowledge of basic reo to everyday use, and develop respect for te reo, as an expression of mana reo. The content areas are:

  • Māori alphabet
  • Basic language command
  • Dialectal difference
  • Language etiquette
  • Basic language use through karakia and waiata.

REO104 Mana Ao Tūroa 1

Course Type: Core

Description: At the end of this kōwae ako, tauira will be able to use: Te reo at a basic level to achieve tasks in familiar contexts as an expression of mana ao tūroa. The content areas are: 

  • Māori alphabet
  • Basic language command
  • Dialectal difference
  • Language etiquette
  • Instructional Language (family, work and community context).
  • Relevant vocabulary (family, work and community context).
  • Relevant language structures (family, work and community context).

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Whakapā mai/Contact us

Tamara Hapi
National Programme Coordinator - Te Reo Māori

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