Kai Oranga L4

Kai Oranga (Kaupae Tuawhā)

This level 4 horticulture programme focuses on food sustainability, food sovereignty, and management, as well as empowering Māori to exercise control over all facets of the food that they grow, eat and manage.

Kai Oranga (Kaupae Tuawhā) as a horticulture studies programme  builds on the aspirations of Kai Oranga (Kaupae Tuatoru) by allowing tauira to reintroduce these cultural concepts and practices, along with practical knowledge, back into the memory and practices of Māori communities, increasing food security, food sovereignty and the health of Māori people.

Tauira will

  • Gain knowledge and skills in maara kai, rongoā and nutrition according to mātauranga Māori practices
  • Develop intermediate skills in preserving, enhancing, and promoting maara kai and enhance the wellness and well-being of whānau, marae and the community.
  • Gain skills to further enhance, promote, prepare, plant and review maara kai.
  • Apply te reo Māori and tikanga to Kai Oranga
  • Develop and apply permaculture principles to Kai Oranga
  • Review and apply principles and practice of kai as rongoā
Start Date
Intake dates variable
20 weeks
Blended learning including noho, wānanga, online learning and self-directed learning
Applications Close
Applications close
Intake 1: 26 Feb 2024, Intake 2: 11 Mar 2024, and other intakes upon demand
Campus Location
Available nationally based on demand
Desire to learn about maara kai and rongoā in a Māori context and to work in health and or horticulture industries
Tuition fees free

KAI401 Te Kōwae Ako 1 - Te Kōpura

Course type:  Core

  • Description:  This course prepares students to be able to plant, design, prepare and review maara kai, including the application of the maramataka. Students will learn to identify seasonal tohu that indicate planting and harvesting times, learn to identify soil types and be able to discuss the advantages of companion planting and crop rotation.

KAI402 Te Kōwae Ako 2 - Te Tāpapa

Course type:  Core

  • Description:  This course develops students' intermediate skills in preserving, enhancing, and promoting maara kai. Students learn to apply knowledge of nutrition and apply permaculture design principles to kai oranga. Students will extend their knowledge of te reo me ōna tikanga to kai oranga situations.

KAI403 Te Kōwae Ako 3 - Te Hauhake

Course type:  Core

  • Description: This course allows students to apply knowledge of nutrition and apply permaculture design principles to kai oranga.

KAI404 Te Kōwae Ako 4 - Te Rua

Course type:  Core

  • Description:  Students will apply the principles of kai oranga, demonstrate how ngā hua, or the produce, of maara kai can be distributed. Students will learn about food sovereignty, and apply this by preparing, planting, and harvesting a maara kai. Students will also learn about rongoā as it applies through kai oranga and the development and maintenance of maara kai.

Ngā korero a ngā tauira

Student's voice

Tomo mai ki Awanuiārangi

Experience Awanuiārangi

Whakapā mai/Contact us

Waiana Renata
National Programme Coordinator - Wai Ora

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