Bachelor of Environmental Studies

Te Aho Pūtaiao: Bachelor of Environmental Studies

Do you have an interest in environmental issues and sustainability?

As we face significant climate challenges and with our natural resources under increasing pressure the time to act is now!

Environmental Studies encompasses not only science perspectives but also the social, cultural, and economic outlooks on the environment. 

Te Aho Pūtaiao looks at a range of topics from environmental science to climate change, resource management, sustainability, environmental leadership, study of ecosystems, Māori, iwi and hapū relationships and kaitiakitanga as custodians of our natural resources.

Become a kaitiaki of our environment through a mātauranga Māori lense. Gaining an understanding on the concerns we face and finding solutions to protect our land and waterways.

The Bachelor of Environmental Studies combines scientific knowledge with mātauranga Māori and mātauranga taiao providing a holistic understanding of environmental systems, the impacts on our communities, and an endeavour for solutions.

Be a champion for change for future generations with Te Aho Pūtaiao – Bachelor of Environmental Studies.

Start Date
12 Feb to 18 Nov 2024
40 weeks per year for 3 years
Blended learning including noho, wānanga, zoom tutorials, online learning and self-directed learning
Applications Close
Applications close
26 Feb 2024
Campus Location
Whakatāne and on demand subject to interest
Year 1 and Year 2 - $6444.00 (tuition) $334.00 (course related costs) $6778.00 (total), Year 3 - fees waived (note fees are updated annually)



TAI571 Whānau, Hapū, Iwi - Relationships

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako provides an introduction to the current management, stewardship and issues relevant to whānau, hapū and iwi within their environments.

TAI572 Whenua – Introduction

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako provides an introduction to the importance of whenua within mātauranga Māori contexts by understanding current environmental issues, land use, and the health of the whenua that impact on whānau, hapū, and iwi.

TAI573 Kaitiakitanga - Principles

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako introduces principles and concepts of environmental identification, stewardship, and protection within a mātauranga Māori worldview and within the context of specific whānau, hapū, and iwi.

TAI574 Ecology - Introduction

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako provides an introduction to ecology by understanding physical and biological properties within a local environment.

TAI575 Rangahau – Principles

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako introduces research and rangahau requirements within a degree and outlines what is research within a mātauranga Māori context and why research is important. The kōwae ako provides an overview of methods, methodologies, qualitative and quantitative data, report writing and ethics when engaging with whānau, hapū, and iwi.

TAI576 Wai – Introduction

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako provides an introduction to the importance of water within mātauranga Māori contexts by understanding the water cycle and analysing the use and quality of water locally.

TAI577 Climate Change – Introduction

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako provides an introduction to climate change concepts, and a broad understanding of climate change terms including human activity effects on the environment.

TAI578 Environmental Sustainability & Technology – Concepts

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako introduces environmental sustainability concepts and the role of technology in providing sustainable options. The kōwae ako also introduces tauira to the impact of everyday processes on the environment.



TAI671 Whānau, Hapū, Iwi – Environments

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako increases tauira understanding and application of legislation, local compliance relevant to their whānau, hapū and iwi. The kōwae ako also provides an understanding of natural capital concepts.

TAI672 Whenua - Impacts

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako examines the importance of whenua within mātauranga Māori contexts by understanding land use within whānau, hapū, and iwi. Tauira are also required to identify environmental issues and generate possible solutions.

TAI673 Kaitiakitanga – Practices

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako furthers discussion on kaitiakitanga in practise, by further understanding legislation which impacts on kaitiakitanga and opportunities to evaluate and apply practices of kaitiakitanga within a local context.

TAI674 Ecology - Principles

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako covers the principles of ecology, including adaptation to environment, species interactions, population dynamics and biogeography.

TAI675 Rangahau – Collection and Analysis

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako requires tauira to practically apply research concepts to design questions for surveys and interviews, and to evaluate responses.

TAI676 Wai – Components

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako provides opportunities for tauira to practically apply theory-based concepts in Year One, through the sampling and monitoring of species. The kōwae ako also increases tauira understanding of water use and requirements locally.

TAI677 Climate Change – Societal and Scientific Impacts

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako gives tauira opportunities to distinguish societal and scientific impacts of climate change, and validate possible quality controls, signs, and indicators of climate change.

TAI678 Environmental Sustainability & Technology – Solutions

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako requires tauira to demonstrate their ability to think critically when dealing with various pieces of information and provide sustainable solutions that are fit for purpose. The kōwae ako also gives tauira the opportunity to review new types of technology on a global scale.




TAI771 Whānau, Hapū, Iwi - Environmental Sustainability

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako challenges tauira to synthesise information from various information and approaches to create and propose a solution for a complex local environmental situation or problem.

TAI772 Whenua – Management

Course type: Core

  • Description: Mitigating risk and solving complex situations are included in this kōwae ako, within the context of whānau, hapū and/or iwi land as an essential resource for their future.

TAI773 Kaitiakitanga – Environmental Leadership

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako requires tauira to demonstrate environmental leadership by identifying, applying, and reviewing Kaitiakitanga concepts to solve wide scale issues within their whānau, hapū and iwi.

TAI774 Ecology – Major Eco-Systems

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako looks at the origins and application of mātauranga Māori in the marine and terrestrial environments, the functions of major marine and terrestrial ecosystems and investigates the human impacts on marine and terrestrial species and ecosystems effects.

TAI775 Rangahau – Synthesis

Course type: Core

  • Description: Tauira are required to implement practices and processes of research within this kōwae ako, ensuring research is applied appropriately and is evidence driven.

TAI776 Wai – Management

Course type: Core

  • Description: Mitigating risk and solving complex situations are included in this kōwae ako. Tauira will demonstrate their ability to provide solutions within the context of whānau, hapū and/or iwi waterways as an essential resource for their future.

TAI777 Climate Change – Mitigation

Course type: Core

  • Description: This kōwae ako investigates human displacement and infectious diseases. The kōwae ako also investigates species adaptation, pest movement and management as a result of climate change. Tauira will also identify the effects of pH levels in the ocean and the potential global impact of ocean acidification.

TAI778 Environmental Portfolio of Works

Course type: Core

  • Description: As an essential element of project-based learning, this kōwae ako requires tauira to complete a portfolio of works that outlines their ability to provide solutions to complex situations and draw evidence-based conclusions that are meaningful to their whānau, hapū, and/or iwi

Whakapā mai/Contact us

Violet Walker
National Programme Co-ordinator - Sciences

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