Wānanga celebrates education legislation amendment

Published date : Thu, 17 August 2023 12:02 pm

‘Claiming our space’: Wānanga celebrates education legislation amendment passing third reading

Waiata and haka filled Parliament this afternoon as Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi and other Wānanga marked an important milestone.

The Education and Training Amendment Bill has passed its third reading in Parliament on Wednesday 16 August 2023.

Chief Executive, Professor Wiremu Doherty, acknowledges the significant efforts of Wānanga to this stage.

“Awanuiārangi and other Wānanga have come together to address some long-standing concerns about quality, funding and importantly: the support of mātauranga Māori and Te Reo Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand.

“Our kaimahi (staff) and tauira (students) gave feedback to us about their hopes for the future and how this legislation could support them, and we took that on board as we advocated for change.

“Our leaders, including co-founder Sir Hirini Moko Mead, spoke passionately at the select committee stages about how the amendments would help us to express our mana as Wānanga.

“This change enables Awanuiārangi to claim our space in the tertiary education sector – and we’re proud to be taking this important step forward today.”

Awanuiārangi will retain its status as a tertiary education institution (TEI), but it will operate under a bespoke model with unique governance arrangements.

The Education and Training Amendment Bill will have little impact on day-to-day lives for our kaimahi and tauira in the short-term. However, it is hoped it will support the sector to flourish as it better enables Awanuiārangi to continue achieving its aspirations.

“Previously, legislation has constrained the capacity of Wānanga to express their tino rangatiratanga. This creates a new framework that is fit for purpose and recognises our unique role best,” Professor Doherty adds.

“This model ensures we can continue to have important kо̄rero about equity with the Crown, but keep delivering ‘by Māori, for Māori’ education at a scale that is not matched anywhere else,” explains Professor Doherty.

“Wānanga play a critical role in the revitalisation, transmission, and normalisation of te reo Māori and mātauranga Māori. We look forward to continuing this important kaupapa as this legislation passes its third reading.”

You can view a replay of the third reading, including speeches, here.

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