Major study into the health and well-being of Māori War Veterans underway

Published date : Mon, 18 November 2019 03:33 pm
Hemana Waaka JP

Hemana Waaka JP, of the project team

Professor Te Kani Kingi

Professor Te Kani Kingi, Executive Director of Research and innovation

A collaboration between Te Parairoa A Tumatauenga Company Limited and Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiārangi will explore the health and well-being perspectives of Māori War Veterans.

Funded through a Health Research Council grant, the investigation aims to better understand the wide range of health concerns experienced by Māori Veterans across various theatres of war and the strategies used by them to maintain their well-being during times of conflict, and when returning home.

The research will focus on Veterans who served in Vietnam, Malaysia and Korea and will involve undertaking detailed interviews with Veterans and their whānau.

Professor Te Kani Kingi, Executive Director of Research and innovation at Awanuiārangi, says that a number of reports, including those from the Waitangi Tribunal, will be used to bolster the investigation, capture descriptive and anecdotal accounts of the war impacts on health, and conceptualise these from a Māori perspective “The ultimate aim is to be able to offer evidence-based advice on developing strategies to better support Māori War Veterans,” says Professor Kingi.

Hemana Waaka, who is a part of the project team and a veteran himself, notes that this research is incredibly important and will provide a valuable lens into the health and well-being of Māori War Veterans. “We have known for some time that returning Māori soldiers experienced health concerns which were somewhat different to that of non-Māori,” explains Mr Waaka. "These were often emotional, psychological, or physical. However, for many, health concerns were also related to spiritual matters, wairuatanga, as well as other cultural tensions and conflicts.

“This study aims to explore these issues and to ensure that a more comprehensive profile of the health and well-being of Māori Veterans is established.”

Initial work on the study has already begun, with data collection and interviews scheduled for early next year.

For interviews or further information, please contact:

Te Reo Māori media contact: Hemana CCK Waaka JP +64 27 255 2333

English media contact: Professor Te Kani Kingi +64 27 204 0383

Carey Tuhaka
Digital Marketing Specialist