Launching new SMIS system 2022

Published date : Tue, 24 May 2022 04:07 pm
Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi are deploying a new Student Management System (SMIS) to improve student experience from enquiry and enrolment to graduation and alumni.


Tribal Group, a leading provider of software and services to the international education market and has been tasked with implementing our new SMIS.


It is expected that the new system will:

  • Improve the student experience from enquiry, application, and enrolment through to graduation and alumni
  • Improve service delivery by managing quality, reducing risk, and cutting turnaround times
  • Create efficiencies for the organization by improving reporting and lines of communication and reducing time and cost caused by workarounds
  • Improve accessibility of staff to student information to enable improved result and program management, auditability, and transparency
  • Integrate timetabling, rostering and attendance marking to enable improved management of these areas


Awanuiārangi CEO, Professor Wiremu Doherty said: “Our current SMIS plateaued in its ability to service the needs of our staff and students. We looked for a replacement system that would improve the student experience from their first enquiry to graduation, increase our accessibility to information and enable us to better manage our programs.  Furthermore, Awanuiārangi is looking forward to implementing a system that is focussed on delivering an excellent student experience and improving operational efficiency.”

Awanuiārangi will also adopt Tribal’s Student Engage mobile app as a private social network to connect the entire Wānanga community. It will engage students, staff, departments, and businesses and provide students with a secure collaborative space to learn and support each other.

The Tribal product offers a student portal ‘Urutauira’ where tauira (students) can track their study with Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi including their enrolments, finance, results, timetables, and attendance all in one place with an equivalent portal for kaimahi (staff) in ‘Urukaimahi’.

The project commenced in March 2021. We plan to go live with phase one of the implementation on 1 June 2022


Important notes for tauira and prospective tauira:

We are switching over our student management system

  • Please complete your online enrolment form by Thursday 26 May, as online enrolment will be closed to applications from Friday 27 May. We will be replacing the online form with a new improved learner portal, Urutauira on 1 June.
  • Urutauira Student Portal launches on 1 June to enable tauira to track their journey at Awanuiārangi.
  • After launch, the portal can be accessed via the website by selecting the red ENROL button found on every page.


From 1 June, tauira can:

  • Through Urutauira, register for a free lifelong Urutauira account (from applicant to alumni)
  • Enrol online
  • Track the progress of their enrolment from first application through to completion, including accepting offer of place, and uploading documents
  • Select courses online
  • See the fees that need to be paid
  • View personalised timetables of enrolled courses
  • Advise kaiako of planned absences
  • View results of assessments, courses, and qualifications
  • Re-enrol
  • Past tauira and graduates can register to see historical information.

Whakapā mai/Contact us

For more information please contact us

Enrolment Administration
Student Information Management Team