COVID-19 Update Monday 30 August 2021

Published date : Mon, 30 August 2021 06:15 pm

COVID-19 Alert Level update


  • Auckland (from the southern boundary) will remain at Alert Level 4 for at least two more weeks. This will be reviewed by Government on Monday 13 September and further updates provided then.
  • The Northland region may move to Alert Level 3 on Friday 3 September, provided wastewater tests in the region come back clear. In the meantime, Northland stays at Alert Level 4.
  • The rest of New Zealand stays at Alert Level 4, until 11.59pm on Tuesday 31 August, after which the rest of New Zealand will move to Alert Level 3 on Wednesday 1 September. This will be reviewed on Monday 6 September and further updates will be provided then.


What this means for Awanuiārangi:


Alert Levels:

  • Tāmaki Campus: Alert Level 4 until further notice
  • Whakatāne Campus: Alert Level 4 until 11.59pm, Tuesday 31 August. Alert Level 3 from Wednesday 1 September
  • Whangārei Campus: Alert Level 4 until 11.59pm, Thursday 2 September (unless otherwise advised). Alert Level 3 from Friday 3 September



  • All our campuses remain closed until further notice.
  • Kaimahi and tauira are not permitted on campus.
  • Kaimahi and tauira need to work and study from home.
  • Online delivery continues, where possible. If this is not possible, classes are being postponed to a later date.
  • Kaiako are to contact their tauira as soon as possible to confirm delivery arrangements for their individual programmes, as required. If programmes need to be postponed for any reason, kaiako are also expected to keep tauira informed.
  • Noho and Marae-based programmes are being held online until further notice. Timetabling for these are to be communicated to tauira by kaiako and/or marae coordinators as needed.
  • Our approach at Alert Levels 3 and 4 is outlined here, and some useful links are included at the end of this email.
  • There is no regional travel allowed at Alert Level 4. At Alert Level 3, you can travel locally, but regional travel remains heavily restricted.


Updates with respect to our kaimahi and tauira will be provided as we receive further news on Alert Level changes for the various regions. Continue to check your emails. All official Awanuiārangi COVID-19 communications will be distributed from our Chief Executive’s office. You can also follow the Awanuiārangi website and Facebook page. Email us at (tauira) and (kaimahi) for any other pātai you may have. 

As we go through our challenges here in New Zealand, I also want to acknowledge our tauira in Hawaii and Washington State who are going through their own struggles when it comes to COVID-19. Our thoughts and aroha go out to them and our wish is that we can all overcome this pandemic.

Continue to stay safe, stay home, and look after each other.



  • If you have been to any of the locations of interest on the specific dates and times outlined here, self-isolate immediately and call Healthline on 0800 358 5453. Please check the list of locations of interest regularly. If you are displaying any COVID-19 symptoms, get tested.
  • As more and more locations of interest are identified, it is likely some kaimahi and tauira will have been at one or more locations of interest.
  • If this applies to you, and you have been on campus or at one of our delivery sites, since being at a location of interest, we ask that (as well as altering Healthline and following the guidance required) you alert your manager/kaiako.
  • We will then keep kaimahi and tauira updated.
  • You do not need to get tested if you have not been at a location of interest.



  • TWWOA resources:
  • We know this is a difficult time, and many of you may be feeling anxious. Check out the wellbeing resources on our COVID-19 resource page on our website and seek support if you need it.
  • EAP - The CEO has approved that the Employment Assistance Programme (EAP) can be extended to tauira during this lockdown period (It is already available to kaimahi). If you know of any kaimahi or tauira who would appreciate this support service, please direct them to the following contact details: 0800 EAP NOW (0800 327 669). Go to EAP Services for further information:
  • Alert Levels - Information about our health and safety protocols, and our approach for the various Alert Levels can be found here.

Financial support – Funding from the 2021 COVID-19 Hardship Fund for Learners (HAFL) has now been exhausted. Below are some other useful links we encourage you to check out if you need financial support:


  • TEC pānui: We are following the guiding principles at Alert Level 4 for tertiary organisations. You can read more about this in the latest Tertiary Education Bulletin here.
  • Government updates: Follow the latest official Government updates about the evolving COVID-19 situation on the ‘Unite against COVID-19’ website, here.
  • Definitions of casual contacts, casual plus contacts, close contacts and close plus contacts are explained here, as well as the actions which need to be taken.
  • NZ protocols: New Zealand Alert Level protocols for the prescribed Alert Level can be found here.

Whakapā mai/Contact us

For any Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi related COVID-19 concerns or enquiries please contact us

COVID-19 Response for Tauira
Awanuiārangi Covid-19 Response Team (Tauira)
COVID-19 Response for Kaimahi
Awanuiārangi COVID-19 Response Team (Kaimahi)