COVID-19 Update: Alert Level changes 23 February 2021

Published date : Mon, 22 February 2021 05:23 pm

COVID-19 update: Alert Levels and what this means for Awanuiārangi

The Auckland Region moves to Alert Level 1 from Tuesday 23 February and the rest of New Zealand remains at Alert Level 1. This is great news, but we must continue to remain vigilant and follow all precautions to stay safe.

Our operations at Alert Level 1 for all our campuses are summarised below. Additional information on other Alert Levels can be found on our FAQ page here.

Please note, that at any Alert Level, kaiako will get in contact with their tauira to confirm programme delivery arrangements for their individual programmes, if needed. If programmes need to be postponed for any reason, kaiako will keep tauira informed.


TĀMAKI CAMPUS (including delivery sites within the Auckland region):

  • Kaimahi are allowed back on site from Wednesday 24 February.
  • Tauira will be allowed back on site from Monday 1 March.
  • Kaiako will be in touch with tauira for plans for programme delivery.
  • Delivery of noho, and programmes on marae and alternate sites, may go ahead under Alert Level 1. However, in spite of the shift in Alert Levels, noho that have already been advised to be held online will continue to be held online, as previously communicated (e.g., in Whangārei), and some marae-based programmes may still chose to continue with online delivery. Timetabling will be communicated to tauira by kaiako and/or marae coordinators as required.
  • As previously communicated, our Bachelor of Education and Masters students are to continue their studies online until further notice.
  • Some programmes may retain some online teaching and learning in Alert Level 1 (e.g., our Bachelor of Education programme). This includes ensuring resources are available online. Tauira are to check with their kaiako if this relates to them.
  • External visitors, and events are allowed on-Campus at Alert Level 1, from Monday 1 March. However, on-campus orientation activity remains cancelled for Tāmaki and Whangārei. Tauira are being provided with key orientation resources online via the Awanuiārangi website. This will include information on support services our Wānanga provides to assist in the successful academic journey of tauira. Refer to our website here for orientation updates.
  • Note, out of caution, we are still asking any tauira or kaimahi who are closely connected to the Papatoetoe High School community, to please stay home and return a negative test before you can return.



  • Normal operations including programme delivery continues and kaimahi and tauira are allowed on campus. 
  • Delivery of noho, and programmes on marae and alternate sites, may go ahead under Alert Level 1. However, in spite of the shift in Alert Levels, noho that have already been advised to be held online will continue to be held online, as previously communicated (e.g., in Whangārei), and some marae-based programmes may still chose to continue with online delivery. Timetabling will be communicated to tauira by kaiako and/or marae coordinators as required.
  • Some programmes may retain some online teaching and learning in Alert Level 1 (e.g., our Bachelor of Education programme and noho in Whangārei). This includes ensuring resources are available online. Tauira are to check with their kaiako if this relates to them.
  • External visitors, and events are allowed on-Campus at Alert Level 1, from Monday 1 March.


Important Awanuiārangi protocols

At Alert Level 1, we all still need to follow the below protocols:


  • Everyone entering and leaving all programme delivery sites need to follow our check in and check out procedures so that we can contact trace quickly and effectively should the need arise.
  • There is a single point of entry on all campus locations (Main Reception).
  • Sign in and out from the Main Reception using the free EVA QR code system, the tablet sign-in (at our Tāmaki Campus) or manually, is compulsory.
  • Use the NZ COVID Tracer app for you to record where you have been, and who you have seen. Make sure your Bluetooth is turned on when doing so.


Stay home if you’re sick:

  • If you have COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms, stay, home, get tested and contact Healthline or your Doctor.
  • If you need to get a COVID-19 test, inform your Manager/Kaiako and do not come to campus/delivery sites.
  • Your close work contacts will also need to work from home until a negative result is produced, so it’s important you let us know who you have been in close contact with on campus.
  • If you are considered vulnerable and at risk, please stay home and deliver your programmes online/study from home if possible. Please talk to your Manager/Kaiako so we are aware and can ensure arrangements are in place for you to carry out your mahi/study.


Practice safe hygiene and physical distancing: Thoroughly wash hands with soap, cough or sneeze into your elbow, maintain a physical distance of at least one metre (Alert Level 1).


Mask-wearing: Wearing a mask on public transport is mandatory across Aotearoa.


For further information on health and safety protocols, click here.

If you are feeling anxious, please visit our website for useful links on available support, and do not hesitate to contact us should you need to. Further updates will be communicated as required. Continue to check your emails and follow the Awanuiārangi website and Facebook page for all our updates. Email us at (tauira) or (kaimahi) for any pātai you have.   

Our heartful thanks again go to our entire Awanuiārangi community for your support and commitment as we all work together to keep Aotearoa safe.

Whakapā mai/Contact us

For any Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi related COVID-19 concerns or enquiries please contact us

COVID-19 Response for Tauira
Awanuiārangi Covid-19 Response Team (Tauira)
COVID-19 Response for Kaimahi
Awanuiārangi COVID-19 Response Team (Kaimahi)