COVID-19 response: Thursday 28 May

Published date : Thu, 28 May 2020 07:19 pm

COVID-19 update: returning to campus and protocols to follow

Throughout our COVID-19 response we have strived to stay in touch with you regularly, regardless of whether we had all the answers. I write to you today with a few further updates about what to expect over the next few weeks under Alert Level 2. While some areas are still being worked through, we hope that you continue to have confidence that we are doing all we can to ensure you can continue your studies with us and that your health, safety and wellbeing is the highest priority.


When can tauira return on campus?
  • Some tauira may be returning to site from 2 June 2020. This will only apply to those tauira whose programmes are being held on-site again if they have not been able to be held online. Your kaiako will be in touch to confirm who this applies to.
  • Please do not return to campus at this stage unless your class is being held on campus.
  • The expectation is that you continue to study online, where this is practicable.

We are hoping to welcome most tauira back on site from Monday 8 June onwards. We are working through plans for this, including opening hours for our campus facilities, and will have a further update for you next week.

COVID-19 protocols induction

Before returning to campus, all tauira need to thoroughly read up on our official COVID-19 protocols which sets out the steps you need to take to ensure your health and safety on campus. You can access this information here. Your kaiako will also go through these protocols with you. It is important you follow the protocols set out. You cannot return to campus without having gone through the protocols.

Contact tracing requirements

Under the Alert Level 2 guidelines, we need to know who is on campus and when, so that we can carry out contact tracing should the need arise.

  • There will be a single point of entry on our campuses.
  • All tauira and kaimahi must enter through the Main Reception
  • You need to sign in each time you enter the campus and sign out each time you leave the campus.

To sign in, either:

  1. Scan the QR code at Main Reception using your smartphone; or
  2. Manually sign in using the paper register at Main Reception – please ensure you use your own pen.

It is compulsory to follow the Awanuiārangi check in and check out procedures.

Click here for instructions on how to sign in using the free EVA QR code system.


Campus facilities

For those tauira who may be returning to campus from 2 June, please be aware that campus facilities will still not be operating as normal.

Awhi Tauira

Our Awhi Tauira team will continue to support tauira and kaimahi online only at this stage.

Ipos Café

Ipos Café will be closed until further notice.


  • Given most tauira are still learning online, our library is remaining physically closed. However, books can be ordered online and will be sent via courier.
  • A ‘click and collect’ service will be available at our Whakatāne campus. Tauira will need to order the books they need online and our Library kaimahi will inform you when collection is ready. The collection point is at the Main Reception. For any Library enquiries, please email:
External visitors

Under Alert level 2, whānau, including children of kaimahi and tauira, are not allowed on campus. However, if this poses any issues to your individual circumstances, please contact your kaiako.


Noho and marae-based programmes
  • Noho are expected to resume on site from the end of June 2020. Overnight noho however, will not resume until Alert Level 1. Timetabling details will be communicated to you by your kaiako in due course.
  • Delivery of our marae-based programmes – Adult Community Education (ACE) and Te Pou Hono – have been delayed until it is practicable to hold these on marae, given the COVID-19 control measures and health and safety protocols required. Start dates will be communicated to you by marae coordinators in due course.


Alert level 1 is still some time away

The Government indicated this week that a move to Alert Level 1 is at least a month away. We are considering what Alert Level 1 looks like for Awanuiārangi and we will update you in due course.


  • Check out our FAQs on our website here.
  • If you have any additional pātai or concerns, contact us at We’re here to help.

Continue to check your emails and follow the Awanuiārangi website and Facebook page for all our updates. 


Thank you for your continued support. We know it has been a challenging time and we are proud of you for being resilient and committed to your studies during this time.

Professor Wiremu Doherty
Chief Executive Officer

Whakapā mai

For any Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi related COVID-19 concerns or enquiries please contact us

COVID-19 Response for Tauira
Awanuiārangi Covid-19 Response Team (Tauira)
COVID-19 Response for Kaimahi
Awanuiārangi COVID-19 Response Team (Kaimahi)