COVID-19 response: Monday 24 August

Published date : Mon, 24 August 2020 07:46 pm
Latest COVID-19 Alert Levels update and what this means for Awanuiārangi


Tēnā koutou,

The Prime Minister announced today that Auckland will remain at Alert Level 3 until 11.59pm on Sunday 30 August, at which point Auckland will move to Alert Level 2. This will be reviewed as needed. The rest of Aotearoa remains at Alert Level 2, with a review expected before Sunday 6 September. Further updates will be provided over the coming weeks. For a summary of what the Government Alert Levels mean, click here.

For Awanuiārangi this means that until Monday 31 August, the arrangements previously communicated remain in place. What this means for our campuses until Sunday 30 August and from Monday 31 August is detailed below.

I encourage you to stay abreast of developments in the news nationally. As we’ve said previously, things may change quickly and we need to be prepared.  


Tāmaki campus – until Monday 31 August at 9am (Alert Level 3):

  • Remains closed. Kaimahi and tauira are not allowed on campus.
  • All teaching and learning will continue to be delivered online only during Alert Level 3. If this is not possible, classes will be postponed to a later date. Kaiako will get in touch with tauira to confirm plans for delivery.
  • All noho will continue to be held online until further notice.
  • Stay home, follow safe hygiene and contact tracing protocols and physical distancing of 2 metres in public areas, wear your masks.


Tāmaki campus – from Monday 31 August at 9am, unless otherwise notified (Alert Level 2):

  • Our Tāmaki Campus will re-open from Monday 31 August at 9am.
  • Programme delivery on campus will resume as normal under Alert Level 2.
  • Physical distancing of 2 metres and safe hygiene and contact tracing protocols must be followed. See here for more information. Wear your masks on public transport - this will be mandatory from Monday 31 August.
  • Noho will continue to be delivered online until further notice.
  • If you are sick or unwell, do not come to campus.
  • If you are considered vulnerable and at risk, please stay home. Please talk to your kaiako so we are aware and can ensure arrangements are in place for you to carry out your studies.
  • All external events are postponed until further notice.
  • No external visitors are allowed on Campus. This includes whānau, tamariki and all manuhiri.


Whakatāne Campus — no change, stays at Alert Level 2 throughout unless otherwise notified

  • Programme delivery on campus is to continue under Alert Level 2. This includes our Nursing and Career Preparation and Study programmes.
  • Noho will continue to be delivered online until further notice.
  • Physical distancing of 2 metres and safe hygiene and contact tracing protocols must be followed. See here for more information. Wear your masks on public transport – this will be mandatory from Monday 31 August.
  • If you are sick or unwell, do not come to campus.
  • If you are considered vulnerable and at risk, please stay home. Please talk to your manager/kaiako so we are aware and can ensure arrangements are in place for you to carry out your mahi and your studies.
  • All external events are postponed until further notice.
  • No external visitors are allowed on Campus. This includes whānau, tamariki and all manuhiri.


Whangārei campus – no change, stays at Alert Level 2 throughout unless otherwise notified 

  • Online delivery only, except for programmes not delivered on campus.
  • Offsite programmes will continue to be delivered kanohi ki te kanohi in Whangārei as per Alert Level 2 protocols.
  • Follow safe hygiene and contact tracing protocols and physical distancing of 2 metres in public areas, wear your masks on public transport – the latter will be mandatory from Monday 31 August.


Offsite programmes outside of the Auckland region

  • Programmes currently being delivered outside of the Auckland Region and offsite (e.g. marae-based) continue. This includes programmes in Whangārei that are being delivered offsite.
  • Alert Level 2 protocols apply in regard to physical distancing, contact tracing and safe hygiene protocols.


A few further updates:

Mask wearing

  • From Monday 31 August, masks will be mandatory when using public transport at Alert Level 2 and above.


Contact tracing

  • It is now compulsory for every organisation to have their own QR code from the NZ Covid Tracer App displayed on site. These have been put up at our Whakatāne Campus. The QR code will also be displayed at Tāmaki and Whangārei Campuses when they're open.
  • Kaimahi and tauira will need to download the NZ Covid Tracer App to scan this QR code upon entry, if they are able to. Further information on the NZ Covid Tracer app, can be found here.
  • Kaimahi and tauira will still have the option to use the EVA App, or sign in and out manually at the Main Reception. You need to use at least one of these options.


Read our FAQs on our website here. These will be updated as needed to reflect the current Alert Levels. For additional pātai, please contact our COVID-19 Response Team at (tauira) and (kaimahi).

Further updates will continue to be communicated as they are available, via email, the Awanuiārangi website and Facebook page.

Continue to stay safe, look after each other, look after yourselves, and reach out if you need support.

Thank you for your commitment and continued support.

Professor Wiremu Doherty

Chief Executive Officer


Visit main COVID-19 Response Page

Whakapā mai

For any Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi related COVID-19 concerns or enquiries please contact us

COVID-19 Response for Tauira
Awanuiārangi Covid-19 Response Team (Tauira)
COVID-19 Response for Kaimahi
Awanuiārangi COVID-19 Response Team (Kaimahi)