Campus Updates 17 Feb 2023

Published date : Thu, 16 February 2023 10:32 pm

Campuses re-opening on Monday 20 February

Our thoughts and aroha are with our Awanuiārangi whānau and the people of Aotearoa who have been affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. We are devastated to see so many people impacted, and lives lost, and we are thinking of you all as the response continues.

Campuses will be re-opening from Monday 20 February 2023 for tauira and kaimahi who can and wish to safely travel in. We encourage you to allow extra time for travel and to check Waka Kotahi before beginning your journey, and to check the MetService website for any weather updates as well.

If it is not safe for you to travel, please remain at home. The safety of our tauira and our kaimahi remains our priority. We will continue to offer programmes online where possible, to accommodate tauira who cannot learn in-person at this time.

As you may have seen in the news, connectivity is challenging in some communities right now including in Tairāwhiti and Wairoa. As a result of this, some tauira will be unable to connect and unable to travel to class as well. Our heads of schools are considering how we might be able to best support these tauira now and moving forward, and updates will be provided to impacted tauira in due course.

Finally, the devastation that has been caused by Cyclone Gabrielle is confronting and for many, it will be difficult to process after an already difficult start to 2023. Please know that support is available for our Awanuiārangi whānau who would like to confidentially speak with someone. Kaimahi, including kaiako, are here to help too, so please do reach out if we can support you in any way.

If you have any pātai or concerns, please do get in touch. We are thinking of you all and look forward to seeing you on campus when it is safe for you to return.