Apanui School on campus in Whakatāne

Published date : Wed, 24 February 2021 05:05 pm

Supporting our local community – Apanui School on campus in Whakatāne


Following the fire at the neighbouring Apanui School on 7 February, we extended an offer of help to provide some temporary teaching and learnings spaces at our Awanuiārangi campus in Whakatāne for Apanui School tauira and Kaimahi, while their school is being rebuilt.

We have been working through the logistics with Apanui School and the Ministry of Education who are thankful for this offer of support.

From Thursday 25 February, parts of Rongo O Awa (Awanuārangi Room 1 and Dining Area) will be used to accommodate five classes from Apanui School. This means we will also need to temporarily block off H carpark at McAllister St to allow for safe pedestrian access for Apanui School.

Supporting our local community is an important part of what we do at Awanuiārangi. We understand there may be some disruption in regard to car parking and your usual access routes during this time, and we thank our kaimahi and tauira for their patience and support as we do our part to help other tauira and kaimahi in need.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our Senior Health and Safety Advisor Moira Loach: Moira.Loach@wananga.ac.nz  


Apanui School students participate in Awanuiārangi Graduation procession

Apanui School students participate in Awanuiārangi Graduation procession