Alumni podcast launched
New marketing campaign shares alumni stories through podcasts
Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi has launched a new marketing campaign featuring stories from a group of alumni about their education journey and the contributions they are making to their hapu, iwi and communities.
Tūhono Tangata is based on a series of conversations with five alumni who were invited to revisit the Wānanga for a day to share their stories. These conversations were recorded in two podcasts that provide insight into the role that te reo Māori, tikanga and mātauranga Māori have played within each of their different education and career journeys.
Marketing and communications manager, Jo Holmes, says, “Our graduates are making a positive difference in their communities and this project has been a good reminder of the impact that their education has had on their lives and the lives of the people around them.
“We chose to feature podcasts because we wanted people to hear directly from our graduates and enjoy the stories told in their own words. We hope that by sharing these, we’ll inspire others to think about the role that education can play in their own lives.”
The campaign has been ‘teased’ through Awanuiārangi social media channels over the past month. It will now run until the end of October, building on the strong social presence through digital platforms and a range of out-of-home advertising channels, including billboards, bus backs, bus shelters and airport screens.
“We’ve focused on Bay of Plenty, Waikato and Tāmaki Makaurau to raise awareness of Awanuiārangi and the impact that the Wānanga has on lives and futures. The podcasts and ads are in both te reo Māori and English, supporting the bilingual nature of the conversations and the importance of te reo Māori to the podcast guests.”
The first episode features Dr. Robyn Roa, Tracy Gilmer, and Te Rangihaeata Hare and the second episode, which goes live at the start of October, features Aroha Ruha and Toni Boynton.
Visit Alumni page featuring podcasts:

Alumni speak with Head of School of Iwi Development, Junior Tana in our first podcast episode

Toni Boynton and Aroha Ruha feature on podcast two