Miria te ara whakawhanaunga o te akonga, o te hapori tetahi ki tetahi
Ma te whanaungatanga e whakamana me te hono tangata tetahi ki tetahi, me te hono ki te rohe whanui. He whakamahara i a tatou mo a tatau kawenga ngatahi me to tatou tirohanga whakamua. Ka toro atu tatou ki nga tangata e noho piri mai ana, me te mohio i te whanaungatanga i waenga i nga tangata, me nga matapono kua whakamanatia (toi te kupu, toi te mana, toi te whenua).
Ka mihi me te whakaaea ki a tatau kawenga whakamana, hei whakapakari i nga hononga i waenga i nga kaimahi, i nga tauira me nga wawata a o tatou hapori matauranga.
Whanaungatanga empowers and connects people to each other and to the wider environment.
It reminds us of our reciprocal responsibilities to each other as well as to our vision. We will reach out to all those around us and in doing so we acknowledge the relationships between people and the core elements of our unique principles (toi te kupu, toi te mana, toi te whenua).
We also acknowledge and accept our responsibility to always demonstrate respect that will enhance the connections between staff, students and the aspirations of our knowledge community.