Tumu Whakaara
E rere e te kahu korako, hei waerea i te ara o te kawau
E tautoko ana te Tumu Whakaara he kaiarahi katoa nga kaimahi o Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi, he kaitohutohu, me te kaiwhakatere waka, ka hangai ki a tatou mahi.
Ahakoa he rereke a tatou mahi i waenga ia tatou, ka noho tonu tatou ki te hiki i te wairua o tena o tena, me a tatou tauira i runga i te ngakau nui, a hinengaro, a wairua, i runga i te whakaiti me te ngakau mahaki. E taea ai enei uara, me noho i runga i te tika me te pono, me te mau tonu ki nga tikanga matauranga, tikanga whakahaere, tae atu ki nga kawenga kaupapa a te tari me o mahi.
Tumu Whakaara acknowledges that all staff at Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi are leaders, decision-makers and the navigators of our journey.
We acknowledge that although we each have different roles to play, we will always inspire and lead ourselves, each other and our students with a generous heart, mind and spirit, and with integrity and humility.
In doing so, we will be accountable, honest and ethical in all aspects of our academic, administrative and general responsibilities and work.

Tumu Whakaara: inspire and ethically lead through example