Ngāti Awa representative
Appointment term expires: 31 May 2028
Materoa Dodd is a senior iwi and humanities leader with extensive governance experience across iwi, education, research, justice, social science and heritage sectors.
She holds a Distinguished Fellow in the Humanities from Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.
Her teaching and research career spans 10 years as a Senior Lecturer and Research Director at the University of Waikato; lecturer at the Auckland College of Education and Te Whare Wānanga O Awanuiārangi in the early years of the Wānanga’s development.
Materoa has presented at international events and conferences on tribal governance and nation building and indigenous development. She has also participated and led environmental research concerning rivers and waterways within the Ngāti Awa rohe.
Materoa is the Wharepaia hapū representative on Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Awa and Chair of the Remuneration and Appointment Committee. She is founding Chair of Ngāti Wharepaia Hapū Trust, is a Trustee of Te Whare o Toroa (Wairaka) Marae and the Maraetōtara Urupā.
Materoa is currently a member of the New Zealand Parole Board, the Social Security Appeals Authority and Pouhere Taonga Heritage New Zealand and the Māori Heritage Council. She has served as the Social Science Commissioner for UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) NZ.
Materoa is a descendant of Wairaka Marae, Ngāti Hokopū, Wharepaia and Ngai Tamaoki hapū of Ngāti Awa and Ngai Tuwhiwhia and Ngai Tukairangi of Ngai Te Rangi.

Ms Materoa Dodd (pictured)
Council member: Ms Materoa Dodd
Qualifications: DFH; MA (Auckland), BA, DipSW, CQSW
Iwi: Ngāti Awa, Ngai Te Rangi