Certificate programmes
Choose from a wide variety of certificate programmes in areas such as Foundation Studies, Māori Studies, Te Reo Māori, Environmental Studies, Performing Arts, Humanities, Marae-centred Learning and Adult Community Education.You can study at our campus in Whakatāne, our sites in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) and Te Tai Tokerau (Northland), or at our marae-based learning centres. Selected programmes are also delivered at sites in other centres, according to community requirements.

Te Waharoa - Community Education
These courses provide foundation knowledge and skills centred on your marae and its cultural uniqueness. Marae representatives must attend Te Apa Marae Kura presentation to register their marae for the programme.

Kai Oranga (Kaupae Tuatoru)
This level 3 programme will teach you to grow your own healthy food for your whānau and your marae and pass this knowledge on to others.

Kai Oranga (Kaupae Tuawhā)
This level 4 programme focuses on food sustainability, and management, as well as empowering Māori to exercise control over all facets of the food that they grow, eat and manage.

Te Pou Hono ki Marae Ātea
This level 4 programme provides tauira with a broad range of skills and knowledge to develop, support and participate in the rituals of the Marae Ātea within marae communities (or equivalent). They will also take responsibility for their own learning and be able to apply knowledge fundamental to marae communities (or equivalent).

Te Pou Hono ki Mahi Marae
This level 4 programme provides tauira the opportunity to learn about rangatiratanga including mentoring, tuakana, teina relationships and leadership in the context of cultural, social and economic development in marae communities (or equivalent).

Te Pou Hono ki Toi
This level 4 programme is intended for people who seek to develop a broad range of skills required to support and participate in mahi toi within marae communities.

Te Pou Hono ki Taiao
The is a 40 credit programme that provides tauira with a broad range of skills and knowledge to develop, support and fully participate in te taiao initiatives within marae communities (or equivalent).

Te Pou Hono ki Wairua
This level 4 programme provides tauira with a a broad range of skills and knowledge to develop, support and fully participate in wairua initiatives within marae communities (or equivalent).

New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation (Level 4)
This level 4 programme prepares you for tertiary study and enhances your employment opportunities in your chosen career.

Te Pōkaitahi Reo (Rumaki, Reo Rua) (Te Kaupae 1)
Beginners Māori language course providing an introduction to te reo Māori.

Te Pōkaitahi Reo (Rumaki, Reo Rua) (Te Kaupae 2)
A level 2 Māori language course for learners with a basic understanding of the language. Learn to communicate in familiar everyday contexts.

Te Pōkaitahi Reo (Rumaki, Reo Rua) (Te Kaupae 3)
A level 3 Māori language programme for learners who understand and use te reo Māori at an intermediate level.

Te Pōkaitahi Reo (Rumaki, Reo Rua) (Te Kaupae 4)
This level 4 programme is intended for learners who understand and use te reo at an advanced-intermediate level.

Te Pōkaitahi Reo (Rumaki) (Te Kaupae 5)
This full immersion level 5 programme is intended for emerging speakers of te reo Māori with an advanced understanding of the language.

Te Pōkaitahi Reo (Rumaki) (Te Kaupae 6)
This full immersion level 6 programme is intended for highly competent speakers of te reo Māori who have a desire to contribute positively to the development of the language.

Te Pōkaitahi Tikanga (Māori Development) (Kaupae 3)
This qualification is for people who want to develop some understanding of tikanga (plural) within a specialist field founded on a Māori world view.

Te Aka Pūtaiao (Kaupae 5)
This is a Level 5 Certificate in Scientific Mātauranga Māori Environmental Studies

Wai Ora (Kaupae 3)
This level 3 program will provide the skills and knowledge to understand and apply sustainability practices to coastal and freshwater bodies based on mātauranga Māori within local environments.

Wai Ora (Kaupae 4)
Graduates of this Level 4 programme will be able to further their skills and knowledge to provide broad strategies to protect and manage freshwater and marine bodies for the benefit of their own marae, whānau, hapū and iwi.

New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing Level 2
Become a healthcare worker with an entry level health certificate for those wanting to work in the health and wellbeing sectors.

Postgraduate Certificate in Mātauranga Māori and Indigenous Studies
Develop skills and knowledge in Māori and Indigenous studies at a postgraduate level with pathways to Masters degrees.
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