Piki mai kake mai ki te karanga o te reo tauira e
ngunguru atu nei, kia tūhua tātau.
Kia whakarewahia tōnā whakaritenga, ki te wānanga.
Me te tuitui atu ki te pae tukutuku a Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.
Tauira Voice, Evaluations and Surveys provides a focused approach to improve from a tauira perspective the successfulness of tauira learning experiences. The ability to evaluate and survey tauira enables Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiarangi to review, reflect on and improve our areas of delivery, service and support which includes curriculum delivery, content and assessment.
We are aware that our tauira work, live and learn within different environmental contexts and one of the immediate benefits is that Tauira Voice will be guided by Ngā Uara (Values) with tika, pono and aroha in all that we do.
Tauira Voice seeks:
- To actively listen to tauira voices and respond appropriately
- To initiate and manage a duty of care, collection, use and interpretation of data
- To protect the anonymity / confidentiality of tauira respondents
- To encourage a reflective practice where Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi academic staff members can access reliable and meaningful information while reflecting our commitment to Ngā Uara.
Tauira Voice Coordinator
Reweti Elliot
Ngāti Awa, Tūhoe, Ngāti Porou
“Whaowhia to kete mātauranga!”.
Fill your basket of knowledge!
Tēnā kautau,
As Tauira Voice coordinator I serve our students, stakeholders, and our communities where tauira voice is an integral part of the student learning experience.
It gives me great satisfaction knowing when our tauira graduate from Awanuiarangi they share their knowledge with their marae, hapū, iwi and the world. Being part of that journey creates a sense of pride knowing our tauira will flourish in whatever journey they pursue.
Tauira Voice is omni-present at our Wānanga, it exists all around from reception to the classrooms, to the ātea of our Marae, in the maara up and down the country, overseas throughout our indigenous cohorts, performing on haka stages and over the broadcasting airwaves.
As the Tauira Voice coordinator I hope to be of service and support to you in my role and look forward to helping improve our practice to ensure you have an exceptional student experience
Ko Koe ki tēna, ko ahau ki tēnei kīwai o te kete’
‘Together we can achieve our goals”

Reweti Elliot (pictured) is the Tauira Voice Coordinator for Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi
Whakapā mai/Contact us
For more information please contact us
Tauira Voice, Evaluations and Surveys
- Phone: 0508 92 62 64
- Email: tauira.voice@wananga.ac.nz