Awhi Tauira Student Support Appointments, Enquiries or Referrals

Haere tonu ngā mihi ki a koutou katoa kua tae mai ki tēnei Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi. Nō reira nau mai, haere mai ki te whare manaaki o Awhi Tauira kia hāpai nei i ngā āhuatanga maha o ngā akoranga ki tāu e hiahia ai.

The primary aim of the Awhi Tauira team is to help students succeed and enjoy their learning journey. Student Support Facilitators are located within Te Kōputu Kōrero a Tā Hirini Moko Mead, library, at the Whakatāne campus.

The Awhi Tauira team:

Assist with:

  • He Ara Mātauranga, Academic Skills and Study
  • He Ara Hauora, Personal Health and Well-Being
  • He Ara Tāwhiti, Further Study and Career Pathways

  • Provide:

    Orientation sessions for new or returning students
  • Appointments (one-to-one and group sessions, in person, or online)
  • Specialised Academic Skills and Study wānanga, or workshops
  • Access to the Awhi Tauira online course pages
  • Triage assistance, i.e. connections to other Awanuiārangi services



Offer support with:

  • Scholarships and Grants
  • Assistive Technologies
  • Whaikaha – Diverse Abilities*
  • Financial Advice and Budgeting*
  • Pastoral Care*
  • Counselling*

*Services referred to externally trained, professional practitioners

We encourage that tauira plan a time to meet with us for their academic needs. Appointments face to face, or online, guarantee we can be ready and that students will be fully attended to. Include a student ID number, programme name or course, contact mobile, and as much information as possible.

Mauri ora – Awhi Tauira Student Support.

Whakapā mai/Contact us

Awhi Tauira Student Support
Team Lead, Hinerangi Eruera Murphy