Whether it’s academic guidance or personal support you need, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi can provide you with advice to get the most out of your studies.


Our dedicated support teams can assist in ways as diverse as choosing the course or programme that is right for you, writing assignments, helping with cultural matters, financial support, where to find child care and pastoral care. In this section, you will find information about the many ways we help you to reach your goals.

Awhi Tauira - Student Support Service

Awhi Tauira - Student Support Service

Student service teams are here to help

Computer Facilities

Students have access to computer facilities at the Whakatāne campus and Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) site. Students will be assigned a username and password for eWānanga LMS by their prgoramme administrator so they can access online courses, resources and related course material.

The software needed to complete assignments and course-work is found on all workstations. Printers are available (students should supply their own paper).

Students, on degree programmes in particular, find having a laptop to be extremely beneficial to their studies.  Refurbished laptops are also available at a discount price.

Academic Administration and Enrolment Team

It doesn’t matter if you are a prospective student and don’t know where to start, or a current student needing advice, staff are available to help. The Academic Administration and Enrolment team can guide you through:
  • What to study
  • How to enrol
  • How to pay for your study

Once you are enrolled, the team can help if you have questions about:

  • Paying fees
  • Student ID cards
  • Withdrawal or change of course
  • Academic transcripts or results
  • Graduation queries

Transport and Parking

Awanuiārangi provides parking for students at our campus and sites. As a student you could also be eligible for discounted travel on shuttle buses and public transport.

Free parking permits for students to park at our Whakatāne campus are available from our reception.


Students of all religious and cultural beliefs are welcome at Awanuiārangi. There are several places of worship available near our campuses. To find out more, talk to one of our Student Services team or contact your local information centre.


Juggling your study with children can be challenging. There are many early childhood centres on and near our campuses offering placements to children aged from three months to five years. To find out more, talk to one of our support teams or contact your local information centre.

Whakapā mai ki ngā roopu taūtoko

Contact one of our support teams

Library and Information Services
Library and Information Services Team
Awhi Tauira Student Support
Team Lead, Hinerangi Eruera Murphy
Enrolment Administration
Student Information Management Team
eWānanga Support Team