Director of Te Āwheonui: The Centre for Professional Learning and Development
Expert Partner
Accredited Kaihautu
ABD (University of Wisconsin Madison)
M.Ed. Admin (First Class Hons, Massey University)
B. Ed. (Massey University)
Diploma of Teaching (Waikato University)
Contact details
M: 0273695087
Accreditation Number: ACC 483
Region: Bay of Plenty, Waikato, Hawkes Bay
Professional experience
Hine taught in general-stream, bilingual, rural, urban, and international schools, in a variety of leadership roles, before moving into pre-service teacher education. During her time at Massey University Hine co-ordinated "Educational Issues in Aotearoa New Zealand", before moving to post-graduate studies and lecturing within the Master of Educational Administration program. Interested in professional inquiry Hine also contributed to research methodology papers and supervised master’s students engaged in research underpinned by Kaupapa Maori methodologies or focused on the Treaty of Waitangi and biculturalism across policy and practice.
Since moving to Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi Hine has been committed to the Co-production and co-delivery of two large Ministry contracts built on critical consciousness and principles of Kaupapa Māori. The first, He Kakano: Culturally Responsive Leadership (2010-2013), involved 87 secondary schools from Northland to Invercargill. The second, Kia Eke Panuku: Building on Success (KEP) included 93 schools with a similar geographic spread. KEP (MoE 2014- 2016), collaboratively designed by three institutions, built on research and development experience from feeder projects: Kotahitanga, Starpath, He Kakano, and Numeracy and Literacy (MoE 2013). Kia Eke Panuku involved working with schools to support principals, middle leaders and teachers to give life to Ka Hikitia; addressing the aspirations of Māori communities by supporting Māori students to pursue their potential (Ka Hikitia 2008, 2013). Kia Eke Panuku provided a context for learning, unlearning, relearning, reflection and evaluation (Klein 2008) across five interdependent dimensions which fed into closing the gaps for rangatahi Māori. The dimensions used as levers to accelerate school reform were Leadership, Evidence-based inquiry, Culturally Responsive and Relational Pedagogy, Educationally Powerful Connections with whānau, hapū and iwi, and Literacy, Te Reo Māori and Numeracy across the curriculum. KEP provided the opportunity to work in: single-sex, co-educational, Faith-based, Bilingual, Boarding, Urban, Rural, Area schools and Te Kura Pounamu (Correspondence school) with decile ratings that spanned the full spectrum of deciles 1 to 10.
Thinking about Professional Learning and Development in your school or across your Kahui ako? Hine has expertise in the following areas.
Expertise in supporting schools to develop Cultural Capability
Hine can support schools/kura/kahui ako to:
- Carryout Cultural Audits as an evidence-based commencement point for developing action plans based on your context for learning.
- Supporting classroom teachers, middle and senior leaders to develop Culturally responsive and relational pedagogies
- Develop Educationally Powerful Connections with whānau, hapū and iwi
- Support schools to develop Cultural capability across curricula.
Assessment for Learning
Hine is able to support schools, kura and Kahui Ako to:
- Build learning-focused relationships Develop a clear understanding of why we assess
- Develop collective and individual inquires
Localised Curriculum
Hine is able to support kura to:
- Designing a curriculum that meets the intention of the NZC in ways that align with the values interests of students, whānau and the local community.
- Locating curriculum design thinking within the broader context of societal issues and trends, now and in the future.
Collaborative practice, mentoring and coaching
Hine is able to support schools, kura and kahui ako to:
- Engage in open to learning conversations that are mana enhancing
- Shadow coaching
Contribution to shared theorising our practice through Publications
Peer reviewed Journal Articles:
Wright, J. K.., Gilling, M. L.., Powell, K.., Waitere, H. J., Pause, C., (2012) We say what we are and we do what we say: Feminisms in Educational Practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. In Feminist Review. London
Waitere, H., Wright, J., Tremaine, M., Brown, S., Pause, C. (2011). Choosing whether to resist or reinforce the new managerialism: The impact of performance-based research funding on academic identity. Higher Education Research and Development (HERDSA), 30(2), 205-217. Routledge.
Waitere, H. & P., Johnston (2009) Echoed Silences: In Absentia, Mana Wahine in Institutional Contexts. Womens Studies Journal Special Issue: Feminisms in Practice 23 (2).
Waitere, H., (2008) Cultural Leadership: Creating Futures our Ancestors can Walk in with our children. Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice 23 (2) 3-47
Adams, P., Clark, J., Codd, J., O'Neil, A., Openshaw, R., & Waitere-Ang, H., (2000) Education and Society in Aotearoa New Zealand. Palmerston North, New Zealand: Dunmore Press.
Waitere, H., (2011) Georgina Kingi: Context matters. In Leading New Zealand Schools and Centres R., Notman (Ed). NZCER Wellington NZ.
Waitere, H., & E., Allen (2011) Beyond indigenous civilities: indigenous matters. In Venkateswar, S., & E., Hughes, The Politics of Indigeneity. Zed: London.
Waitere, H., & Court, M (2008) 'Alternative' Māori education? Talking back/talking through hegemonic sites of power. In P. Woods & G. Wood (eds) Alternative Education for the 21st Century. Palgrave Macmillan
Brown, S., Clark, P., Gilling, M., & Waitere, H., (2008) Through the eye of a needle pass the multiple threads of biculturalism. In Brown, S., O'Neill, J., & St. George, A., (Eds) Facing the Big Questions in Education: Purpose, Power and Learning. Melbourne, Australia: Thomson Learning Media.
Waitere-Ang, H. J. (2005) Social, cultural and political explanations of educational attainment. In P. Adams, R.Openshaw, J. Hamer (Eds) (Eds). Education and society in Aotearoa New Zealand. 2. Thomson/Dunmore Press, Nelson, VIC, Australia.
Openshaw, R., Clark, J. A., Hamer, J., Waitere-Ang, H. J. (2005). Contesting the curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand. pp. 187-224. In P. Adams, R. Openshaw, & J. Hamer (Eds.). Education and Society in Aotearoa New Zealand. 2nd edition. Thomson/Dunmore Press, South Melbourne, VIC.
Vossler, K. R., Waitere-Ang, H. J., Adams, P. J. (2005) Becoming an educator. In P. Adams, K. Vossler, C. Scrivens (Eds) (Eds). Teachers' Work in Aotearoa New Zealand. 1. Thompson/Dunmore Press, Southbank, VIC.
A sample of Invited Keynote Conference Presentations
Waitere, H. (2013). Loving our profession enough to grow its potential. Educational Initiatives Trust: I love teaching conference. Invercargill Sept.
Waitere, H. (2013). Mirror, mirror on the wall who's the fair/fare/fearest of us all; Secondary schools reflecting Maori performance and Leadership Potential. National Association of Secondary Deputy and Assistant Principals (NASDAP) Dare to be Different. Queenstown, Aug.
Waitere, H. (2013). Growing Professional Capacity in Cultural Competence. Teachers Refresher Course Committee (TRCC) Conference: Mentoring the way forward, supporting and growing a learning profession. Napier April.
Waitere, H.J. (2011). Transformative leadership refracted in the context of increasing diversity: data-based interventions for improving educational outcomes for Maori students in Aotearoa New Zealand. Immigration, disadvantage and multicultural education: voices and social actions from the oppressed conference. Teacher of Education Centre, National Pingtung University of Education, Pingtung Taiwan.
Waitere, H.J. (2010). "Maori matters" and "matters Maori" in Education in Aotearoa New Zealand. Teacher Education Forum of Aotearoa New Zealand (TEFANZ). TEFANZ Biennial Conference: Teacher Education Matters. The University of Auckland, 26-28 October.

Hine Waitere, Director of Te Āwheonui: The Centre for Professional Learning and Development
Whakapā mai
Contact us
Hine Waitere
- Phone: 027 369 5087
- Email: