Wānanga takes Kura Reo across the Tasman

Published date : Wed, 06 December 2023 12:10 pm

Wānanga takes Kura Reo across the Tasman 

Waitangi Black, a long-standing staff member and Te Pōkaitahi Reo Kaiako at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi (TWWOA) talks to us about Rukuhia Kura Reo (language school) 2023. This is the first time that Te Pōkaitahi Reo has been delivered face-to-face for all tauira (students) living in Australia. The three-day wānanga convened in Queensland with fifty tauira  fully engaged in language and cultural learning workshops, which helped to bridge the virtual gap that often separates online learners.  

The Kura Reo attracted a melting pot of individuals of all ages and Te Reo Māori speaking experience, including tauira who have embraced other forms of learning techniques such as Mau Rākau (a traditional Māori martial art) and Kapa Haka (Māori performing arts.)  

We asked Waitangi why she thinks people living in Australia want to learn Te Reo Māori and why it’s important to deliver this programme. She explained: “It’s all about connection, especially for whānau living abroad who want to embrace their identity through culture and language. Learning Te Reo Māori is a vehicle to foster connection. Every time tauira come together they are inspired to keep learning, which continues to inspire others.” 

Waitangi highlights a successful outcome of the Kura Reo was the profound connection that was made with Aboriginal Tribal Representatives. “It was a successful attempt to connect with local tangata whenua (indigenous people of the land), who gave their blessing, acknowledgement, and support to our Kura Reo Kaupapa. It was their permission that allowed us to safely carry out our own customs and protocols, giving tauira a shared delivery in cultural customary practice. It was a great learning enhancement and experience for everyone.” 

As the pākeke (elder) of the rōpu (group), Waitangi reflected: "I enjoyed the shared facilitation and active participation during the planned teaching sessions. The tauira were so hungry to learn; their enthusiasm to participate freely was inspiring for everyone.”  

Waitangi’s years of service, dedication, and commitment to ensuring the successful delivery of Te Pōkaitahi Reo embodies all Uara (values) of Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi. Te Pōkaitahi Reo looks forward to the continued delivery of Rukuhia Kura Reo in 2024.  

Inaugural kura reo class 2023

Inaugural kura reo class 2023

From left: Makaea Tihi, Whaea Waitangi Black

From left: Makaea Tihi, Whaea Waitangi Black

Whakapā mai/Contact us

Jo Holmes
Manager - Marketing and Communications