Professor Black Shines a Spotlight on Legislative Redress and Historical Discourse
Awanuiārangi Professor Shines a Spotlight on Legislative Redress and Historical Discourse
A new independent publication by Professor Taiarahia Black of Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi is generating significant interest from academics and iwi entities, including an invitation to speak at the Kiingitanga Poukai 2024, hosted recently by Kōkōhīno Marae in Te Teko.
Released in December 2023, the independent publication titled - I waiho ai au hai maungarongo, provides a comprehensive overview of the legislative journey towards acknowledging the injustices suffered during the police raid and invasion of Maungapohatu on April 2, 1916, which resulted in the arrest of visionary Tūhoe Leader, Rua Kēnana and tragic murders of his son Toko Rua and nephew, Te Maipi Te Whiu.
The document highlights the significance of the Rua Kēnana Legislative Statutory Pardon Act 2017, and the subsequent Pardon Royal Assent in December 2019. It emphasises the impact of these legislative achievements on Ngā Toenga and the descendants of Rua Kēnana, offering legal redress for the historical wrongs and contributing to the healing of intergenerational wounds within the Maungapōhatu community.
Professor Black says: “Presenting my work at a Poukai is a privilege, as it serves as a platform for unique ā-Iwi historical wānanga marae engagement and empowerment. Poukai epistemology and oral traditions are a unifying factor, providing a conduit for whānau, hapū and iwi scholars to convey not only factually sound information, but also lived experience of history into the contemporary situation.”
Several Mātaatua leaders, Masters, PhD, and Prof Doc tauira of Awanuiārangi also joined Kiingi Tuheitia Potatau Te Wherowhero VII – Te Tari o te Kiingitanga at the Poukai.
I waiho ai au hai maungarongo, weaves together historical narratives, legislative achievements, cultural celebrations, academic contributions, and future aspirations, providing a comprehensive and engaging account of Ngā Toenga's journey and contribution to Māori and indigenous development.

Awanuiārangi Professor Taiarahia Black