COVID-19 Update Thursday 9 September 2021

Published date : Thu, 09 September 2021 09:43 am

COVID-19 Alert Level update – plans for operating at Alert Level 2


We have received guidance from the TEC in regard to how the new Alert Level 2 rules apply to tertiary institutions. As we are now dealing with a more contagious variant of COVID-19, the Government has adapted the rules at Alert Level 2, and so we too must adapt. At Awanuiārangi, we need to take a cautious approach to mitigate the extreme risks posed by the Delta COVID-19 variant, especially given the vulnerability of many of our communities. The protocols outlined below reflect this approach. Note, we will revisit our protocols on a week-by-week basis and advise you of any changes.


Current Alert level by Campus and our protocols:

We have summarised below what the current Alert Levels mean for each of our Campuses. We have updated our Awanuiārangi COVID-19 protocols to reflect the new requirements at the various Alert Levels. All tauira need to be familiar with these protocols before returning to Campus. These will be available on the website here shortly.


Whakatāne Campus: Alert Level 2

Our Whakatāne Campus will re-open from Monday 13 September 2021.


Programme delivery:

  • Programme delivery can resume on-site from Monday 13 September 2021. The Campus remains closed until then.
  • Some element of online delivery must be maintained for all classes, and those that can study effectively from home should still study from home if they prefer. Please let your kaiako know.
  • Kaiako will communicate delivery arrangements with tauira before the end of the week.
  • Some of our kaimahi and tauira are vulnerable or at risk – if this applies to you, we strongly recommend you continue with online delivery/work/study from home. Please advise your line manager/kaiako if this applies to you.
  • Noho that have already been advised to be held online will continue to be held online, as previously communicated.  
  • Some marae-based programmes may still choose to continue with online delivery. Timetabling will be communicated to tauira by kaiako and/or marae coordinators as needed. 
  • As a result of the Alert Levels, flexible working practices need to be supported. We encourage Line Managers to ensure they are communicating with kaimahi in this regard.


Face coverings:

  • Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi is making it mandatory for masks/face coverings to be worn by kaimahi and tauira anywhere on Campus. This may be revisited in due course. However, given the extremely contagious nature of the Delta variant, we are applying the utmost caution to all campus operations.
  • We appreciate also that some tauira may have a health exemption from mask wearing, in which case you will not be required to wear a mask. Please let your kaiako know if this applies to you.
  • Note, unless you have a health exemption, everyone must legally wear a face covering when using public transport, airplanes, and in a taxi or ride-share vehicle; visiting a healthcare or aged care facility; inside retail businesses, and public venues, such as museums and libraries; visiting the public areas within courts and tribunals, local and central Government agencies, and social service providers with customer service counters.


Physical distancing:

Physical distancing of two metres and safe hygiene protocols must be followed. 


Contact tracing 

  • Everyone entering and leaving our campuses needs to follow our check-in and check-out procedures when on campus.
  • There is a single point of entry on campus (Main Reception - Whakatāne).
  • Signing in and out from the Main Reception using the NZ COVID Tracer app, the Eva QR Code App, the tablet sign-in (at our Tāmaki Campus), or manually, is compulsory. You must use at least one of these options.
  • When using the NZ COVID Tracer app, ensure your Bluetooth is turned on.The NZ COVID Tracer app is a great tool for you to record where you’ve been, when, and who you’ve seen. 


If you are sick or unwell:

  • Please get tested and do not come on-site until you are well or, if necessary, have tested negative for COVID-19. Contact your kaioko.
  • If you test positive/are suspected of having COVID-19, you are a contact of someone who has or is suspected, or have been at a location of interest, you must follow all Ministry of Health protocols and inform the Wānanga as soon as possible to allow contact tracing protocols to proceed. Do not come on to campus/work sites/marae until health authorities have cleared you.


If you are considered vulnerable and at risk:

  • Stay home and deliver your work/programmes/study online from home. Please talk to your Manager/Kaiako so we are aware and can ensure arrangements are in place for you to carry out your mahi/study. 


Library services and Awhi Tauira:

  • Library services and Awhi Tauira will be open, and two-metre physical distancing and mask wearing protocols must be followed.


External visitor policy:

  • No external visitors are allowed on any Awanuiārangi Campus location. This includes whānau, tamariki and manuhiri.



  • All events remain postponed until further notice. 



  • If you need to travel from a campus or delivery site that requires you to transit through Auckland (e.g., from Whangārei to Whakatāne or vice versa); please let your HOS know and we can assess what is required on a case by case basis and advise you of next steps. Evidence of where you need to travel to and why will need to be provided to us.


Accommodation facilities

  • These remain closed until further notice.


Whangārei Campus: Alert Level 2
  • Programmes continue to be delivered online only, as has been the case previously.
  • Follow safe hygiene protocols and physical distancing of two metres. Please wear masks when out in public.


Tāmaki Campus: Alert Level 4 until further notice
  • Remains closed until further notice.
  • Kaimahi and tauira are not permitted on campus.
  • Kaimahi and tauira need to work and study from home.
  • Online delivery continues, where possible. If this is not possible, classes are being postponed to a later date.


  • It is expected by now that kaiako will have confirmed delivery arrangements for their individual programmes, as required. If programmes need to be postponed for any reason, kaiako are also expected to keep tauira informed.
  • Noho and Marae-based programmes are being held online until further notice. Timetabling for these are to be communicated to tauira by kaiako and/or marae coordinators as needed.


  • Our approach at Alert Level 4 is outlined here, and some useful links are included at the end of this email.
  • No travel outside of Auckland is allowed.


For an outline of the wider Alert Level 2 rules for New Zealand, when not on campus, view the protocols on the Government’s Unite against COVID-19 website here.

The Alert Levels for Auckland and the rest of New Zealand will be reviewed by Government on Monday 13 September and further updates will be provided to kaimahi and tauira, if there are any changes in Alert Levels. Continue to check your emails. You can also follow the Awanuiārangi website and Facebook page. Email us at (tauira) and (kaimahi) for any other pātai you may have. 

Continue to be vigilant, stay safe, stay home, and look after each other.



  • If you have been to any of the locations of interest on the specific dates and times outlined here, self-isolate immediately and call Healthline on 0800 358 5453. Please check the list of locations of interest regularly. If you are displaying any COVID-19 symptoms, get tested.
  • You do not need to get tested if you have not been at a location of interest.
  • If you have been on campus or at one of our delivery sites, since being at a location of interest, we ask that (as well as alerting Healthline and following the guidance required) you alert your manager/kaiako. We will then keep kaimahi and tauira updated as needed.



TWWOA resources:

Many of you may be feeling anxious. Check out the wellbeing resources on our COVID-19 resource page on our website and seek support if you need it.


  • EAP – The Employment Assistance Programme (EAP) can be extended to tauira during this lockdown period (it is already available to kaimahi). If you know of any kaimahi or tauira who would appreciate this support service, direct them to the following contact details: 0800 EAP NOW (0800 327 669) /
  • Alert Levels - Information about our health and safety protocols, and our approach for the various Alert Levels can be found here.

Financial support – TEC are going to allocate more hardship funds via the HAFL fund to Tertiary Providers. These funds are to be allocated next week. Once received, we will re-open the HAFL fund for applications. Watch the website for details. As a reminder, the HAFL funds can be used to cover internet connection costs this time. If a tauira requires a loan laptop, they should approach their kaiako who will advise on next steps. Below are other useful links we encourage you to check out if you need financial support:


  • Vaccinations: You can go online to the national booking system, or phone the COVID Vaccination Healthline on 0800 28 29 26 to reserve your spot. Everyone over the age of 12 is eligible to book. Detailed advice on COVID-19 vaccination is available from the Ministry of Health, which can be accessed here.
  • TEC pānui: We are following the guiding principles at Alert Level 4 for tertiary organisations, where this is relevant to Awanuiā You can read more about this in the latest Tertiary Education Bulletins here.
  • Government updates: Follow the latest official Government updates about the evolving COVID-19 situation on the ‘Unite against COVID-19’ website, here.
  • Definitions of casual contacts, casual plus contacts, close contacts and close plus contacts are explained here, as well as the actions which need to be taken.
  • NZ protocols: New Zealand Alert Level protocols for the prescribed Alert Level can be found here.

Whakapā mai/Contact us

For any Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi related COVID-19 concerns or enquiries please contact us

COVID-19 Response for Tauira
Awanuiārangi Covid-19 Response Team (Tauira)
COVID-19 Response for Kaimahi
Awanuiārangi COVID-19 Response Team (Kaimahi)