COVID-19 response: Tuesday 6 October

Published date : Tue, 06 October 2020 05:06 pm
Latest COVID-19 Alert Levels update – 6 October 2020

The Prime Minister announced yesterday that Auckland will move to Alert Level 1 from 11.59pm on Wednesday 7 October. The rest of Aotearoa remains at Alert Level 1. Click here for a summary of what the different Government Alert Levels mean.

We are pleased our Auckland whānau can join the rest of Aotearoa under this less restrictive Alert Level setting. In terms of on-campus operations, things do not change too much, and the following applies:

Sign-in at reception remains compulsory: using the Tablet, free EVA QR code system, or manually AND scanning the NZ COVID-tracer QR code.

Programme Delivery: Normal operations – including all onsite operations – will resume/continue. Online delivery remains for our Whangārei campus. Noho that were previously being delivered online can be held kanohi ki te kanohi again. Kaiako will communicate delivery plans to tauira directly.

Health and Safety practices: there is no need for physical distancing. However, if you are sick you need to stay home. If you have cold or flu symptoms, call your Doctor or Healthline and get tested. While there is no need to wear a mask at Alert Level 1, please do continue to use them if you are using public transport; keep safe.

Visitors: External visitors are allowed on campus, but they do need to sign in.

COVID-19 is still a risk, so shifts in Alert Levels could happen at any point. If/when Alert Levels change, please visit our comprehensive FAQ page on our website to check our response at the different Alert Levels and react accordingly.

While our movements are less restrictive under Alert Level 1, we must not get complacent. Please remain vigilant and act responsibly when it comes to ensuring your health and safety, and that of your whānau and our communities.

Please contact our COVID-19 Response Team at if you have any pātai not covered off above or in our FAQs.

Thank you for your continued support whānau.


Professor Wiremu Doherty
Chief Executive Officer

Whakapā mai

For any Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi related COVID-19 concerns or enquiries please contact us

COVID-19 Response for Tauira
Awanuiārangi Covid-19 Response Team (Tauira)
COVID-19 Response for Kaimahi
Awanuiārangi COVID-19 Response Team (Kaimahi)