COVID-19 response: Tuesday 22 September

Published date : Tue, 22 September 2020 12:51 pm
Latest COVID-19 Alert Levels update and what this means for Awanuiārangi


The Prime Minister announced yesterday that Auckland will move to Alert Level 2 from 11.59pm on Wednesday 23 September. The rest of Aotearoa moved to Alert Level one from 11.59pm on Monday 21 September. These Alert Level settings will remain in place for two weeks initially and will be reviewed as needed, with the next update from Government expected on 5 October. Click here for a summary of what the different Government Alert Levels mean.

This is good news and reflects the efforts of our communities to keep safe.

We have outlined below what this means for our different campuses across the motu. For more information, please visit our comprehensive FAQs on our website where we have set out clearly our approach for the different Alert Levels.

The shift down Alert Levels, particularly outside of Auckland, does not mean we are out of the woods. COVID-19 will be present in our communities for some time yet, so we should expect Alert Levels to change again at some point in the future. Moving forward, if/when Alert Levels change, tauira will be directed to the FAQ page on our website to check on our response at any given Alert Level and react accordingly.

We are also very aware of the understandable disappointment among our 2020 graduands that their graduation ceremony had to be cancelled. However, rest assured that, unlike other institutions, we are taking steps to acknowledge and celebrate our 2020 graduates in our 2021 graduation ceremony. Our Chief Executive Officer will address this and the reasons for the cancellation, in more detail in a separate video this week.

Tāmaki campus: Alert Level 2 settings from Thursday 24 September

  • Campus remains open and programme delivery on campus continues.
  • Noho continues to be delivered online until further notice.
  • Signing in at reception using the free EVA QR code system, or manually, and scanning the NZ COVID-tracer, remains compulsory.
  • Physical distancing of two metres and safe hygiene and contact tracing protocols must still be followed. See here for more information. Mandatory wearing of masks on any public transport in, out, and through, Auckland applies.
  • If you are sick or unwell, do not come to campus. If you are considered vulnerable and at risk, please stay home and deliver your programmes online if possible. Please talk to your kaiako or Manager so we are aware and can ensure arrangements are in place for you to carry out your studies or mahi.
  • Gatherings are restricted to a maximum of 100 people at Alert Level 2. All external events remain postponed until further notice.
  • No external visitors are allowed on campus. This includes whānau, tamariki and all manuhiri.

Whakatāne campus: Alert Level 1 settings from Tuesday 22 September

  • Normal operations - including all onsite operations – resume.
  • We still need to maintain contact tracing and safe hygiene protocols. Read the Awanuiārangi COVID-19 and contact tracing protocols here. You need to be familiar with these.
  • We still need to keep to a single point of entry on our campuses and you will still need to sign in and out from the Main Reception using the free EVA QR code system, or manually.
  • We do not need to practice physical distancing.
  • It is not compulsory to wear a mask at Alert Level 1, but it is encouraged. If you are travelling to, through and from Auckland on any public transport however, you still need to wear a mask.
  • If you’re sick, you still need to stay home. If you have cold or flu symptoms, call your Doctor or Healthline and get tested.

Whangārei campus – online delivery continues until further notice.

If you have any pātai, please contact our COVID-19 Response Team at  

Most importantly, continue to keep yourselves and your whānau safe and reach out if you need help.

Whakapā mai

For any Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi related COVID-19 concerns or enquiries please contact us

COVID-19 Response for Tauira
Awanuiārangi Covid-19 Response Team (Tauira)
COVID-19 Response for Kaimahi
Awanuiārangi COVID-19 Response Team (Kaimahi)