Awanuiārangi Short Story Writers Invitation

Published date : Tue, 07 September 2021 04:39 pm

Open to All Staff and All Current Students


​​​​​​​An invitation to activate all those creative juices, dreams, and visions you have been having in relation to Covid-19.


Now is the opportunity to write a fictional short story about something related to the pandemic (yeah-nah we don’t want your actual life details) and have your work selected to be published firstly in-house to be shared with all our staff and students and then secondly for wider distribution.


Has the pandemic heightened your consciousness, caused you to stop and reflect, listen and observe?

Has it stressed you out, saddened you or challenged your notions of normal?​​​​​​​

Has it somehow compelled you to tidy the house or waterblast the fence?

Have you volunteered for border control, cared for others or attended a crisis?

Have you home schooled children or become the world’s best gourmet chef?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Who is eligible?

Staff and Students

How long is the story?

Between 3000 and 7000 words

What topics? 

Anything related to life in the time of Covid-19. It can be funny, sad, angry, joyful, mysterious, dramatic, supernatural just not X rated.

What reo? 

Te Reo Māori or English

What format?

A separate style guide will be sent once you register.

How do I start?

1. Register your intention with Rangimaria Mariu

2. Participate if you need in a virtual or face to face writing workshop

 (details will be sent after you register)

3. Start writing!

When is it due? 

5 November 2021

That’s not long?

No because we want you to be fast and furious in your writing. This is a speedy short story exercise not a thesis.


What happens when I submit?   

Your work will be read by a small editorial group who may give you feedback just to help you improve the story. The editorial group will then accept your story for publication and you will be asked to sign a consent form to have your story published.


Download Information Flyer


Pānui reo Māori

Distinguished Professor Linda Smith shares information regarding the Short Story Writers Invitation 2021, that is open to all staff and all current students of Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.

Whakapā mai/Contact us

Project Lead: Professor Linda Tuhiwai Smith. If you have any enquiries email Rangimaria Mariu.

Rangimaria Mariu
CEO Administrator