2021 COVID-19 Hardship Fund for Learners

Published date : Tue, 10 August 2021 04:14 pm

COVID-19 Hardship Fund for Learners (HAFL)


In 2020, the government announced a Hardship Fund for Learners (HAFL) as well as a Technology Access Fund for Learners (TAFL) in response to the nationwide lockdown as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  As part of the continuing support for learners, the Government announced an extension of HAFL for the 2021 calendar year.  

The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) defines hardship as any suffering, deprivation or financial challenge faced by a learner due to COVID-19 that is interfering with their ability to progress with their studies. In this regard, the HAFL can help with a range of costs including but not limited to:

  • Food
  • Utilities
  • Housing
  • Health related costs
  • Transportation costs
  • Childcare costs
  • Resources for learning (e.g. internet connections), excluding devices (student laptops are available for short term loans via the library or longer loans can be organised via Heads of Schools).


We can use the HAFL to support our students facing hardship by providing direct cash payments to learners.



To be eligible for this funding, students need to:

  • be a domestic student;
  • have a valid enrolment in a programme being delivered in 2021; and
  • be experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Funding support will be awarded to students on the basis of demonstrated need, as per the definition of hardship outlined by TEC above. Some factors that will be taken into consideration when assessing need where COVID-19 has impacted students could include:

  • Loss of or reduced hours in employment (personal or household income)
  • Issues in covering rent/board/mortgage
  • Inability to pay utility bills or cover grocery expenses
  • Unforeseen costs or other added requirements for studying off campus and/or online
  • Length of study and/or time left until completion
  • Any other relevant circumstances identified by the Programme Coordinator and/or kaiako


All offers of funding support will be conditional upon receipt of a completed application form and bank account evidence.


Application and selection process

An online application form must be completed by the students, accompanied by supporting bank account evidence.  The application form is available on our Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi website.

Applications will be assessed by the HAFL Committee as they are received. Applications completed IN FULL with the attached bank account evidence will be submitted to the HAFL committee.  Those with incomplete applications will be asked to submit a new application form if they wish to be considered. Applicants will be notified via email regarding the outcome of their application. It may take up to four working weeks to process applications.

If you have any queries, please contact us via email at HAFL@wananga.ac.nz


Apply now for HAFL

Regulations and conditions

Institutions funded from the HAFL must periodically report to the TEC on how, where and when they have used the funding. The TEC will use the information to regularly update a public list on the TEC website. We must keep records where cash payments have been made directly to students and retain original receipts and invoices where HAFL funding has been used to purchase resources on behalf of students. For more information on the reporting and monitoring requirements, click here

Whakapā mai/Contact us

For enquiries related to HAFL please contact us

Hardship Fund for Learners
Hardship Fund for Learners Committee