Featured research of postgraduates

Conversations on Mātauranga Māori
This collection of critical essays focuses on creating pathways to describe and help our understanding of mātauranga Māori. A number of our staff have contributed to this book, which is published by NZQA.

Te Rangahau Taiao ki Awanuiārangi
This publication is a collection of readings from the research of nine graduates of Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiārangi. The theme is environmental management.

Enhancing Mātauranga Māori and Global Indigenous Knowledge
This publication is a collaboration of 14 Māori and international scholars and aims to create a forum for Māori and global indigenous academics to connect and support the advancement of learners interested in Māori and indigenous theories of knowledge.

Thesis on history of Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation
Mary du Puis graduated with her Doctor of Indigenous Development and Advancement. Her thesis is entitled "A Long Time Ago, When the Earth Was Young A History of the Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation".

Thesis on struggle and resistance
Morehu McDonald graduated with his PhD with a research focus on Māori Studies. His thesis was entitled: Ko koutou e haere ko te ahi e kā mai nei e kore e taea te tinei: The resistance struggle and survival of the Ngāti Hinerangi hapū and iwi of Matamata and Tauranga who were labelled as 'hauhau and unsurrendered rebels and driven to the brink of cultural extinction through the process of cultural genocide by the crown and pākehā settler colonisers from the 19th - 21st century

Thesis on cultural practices in academic settings
Phyllis Callaghan graduated with her PhD with a research focus on education. Her thesis was entitled "In what ways do 'Indigenous cultural practices' foster success for students in tertiary and work settings: A case study of Toi Māori, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander achievement in higher education and vocational settings?"

Thesis written in Te Reo
Hiria Hape graduated with her Doctor of Philosophy in 2016. Her thesis, written in Te Reo is entitled "Kauaka e tawhiti mai i to maunga: He tuihinga roa hei whakatutuki i nga tikanga o Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi Whakatane, mo te Tohu Kairangi Matauranga"