
Students are encouraged to express their concerns within a safe and impartial environment. When formal complaints are received, they are acted upon to resolve them to the satisfaction of all parties.

Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi will act promptly to remedy the complaint, where such is valid and substantiated.

This is to ensure that complainants are not subject to future harassment, retaliation or victimisation.

Complaint procedures are applied irrespective of the source of the complaint, whether from students, colleagues or the public, and will be processed in the same way.


Things to Consider

Before making a formal complaint, you should always attempt to raise the concern directly with the staff member in question first so a solution may be found quickly. Where possible you should try to resolve the concern with relevant staff members (such as tutors) before laying a formal complaint.

Often a concern can be resolved without the need for a formal complaint. Many concerns and complaints arise from poor communication, and the complaint will often be resolved through the simple process of talking it through. Every effort should be made to deal with concerns at this stage.


Making a Complaint

To be processed, a complaint must:

  1. be made in writing;
  2. be signed by the complainant;
  3. be addressed to the CEO if the complaint is not made on the standard complaint form; and
  4. state the remedy the complainant seeks.


The Wānanga may refuse to investigate or deal with any complaint that is:

  1. not submitted in accordance with the above;
  2. anonymous; or
  3. made by email.

The CEO will make the standard complaint form generally available.


When a complaint is received in accordance with this policy, the CEO will:

  1. review the complaint;
  2. acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 10 working days;
  3. make a decision about whether the complaint needs to be investigated. Best
    endeavours will be used to make this decision within 10 working days (recognising that serious complaints must be dealt with as soon as possible);
  4. advise the complainant in writing that:

i. no further action will be taken; or

ii. the complaint will be investigated.


If the CEO decides to investigate the complaint, he or she will complete any investigation within a reasonable time, having regard to the seriousness of the complaint. The CEO will use best endeavours to resolve all complaints within three months.

The CEO will carry out any investigation in accordance with the principles of natural justice and tikanga and āhuatanga Māori. Where disciplinary action is a possibility, the CEO will advise the person who is the subject of the complaint of the possible outcomes, and of his or her right to be supported or represented throughout the process. The person who is the subject of the complaint will also be given an opportunity to comment on the subject matter of the complaint in person and in writing.

To the extent that the CEO considers appropriate, and having regard to the privacy of the individuals involved, the CEO will advise the complainant, and any person who was the subject of the complaint, of:

  1. the results of the investigation; and
  2. any decision the CEO has made about a remedy or disciplinary action, including a decision that no remedy or disciplinary action is appropriate.
Important contact details for further information:

PO Box 160, Wellington

Telephone: 04 802 3000

Facsimile: 04 802 3112

Ombudsman Office

5th Floor, 17 Albert Street, Auckland

Telephone: 09 379 6102

Freephone: 0800 802 602

Facsimile: 09 377 6537