Distinctive programmes
Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi delivers programmes that are distinctive in many ways.
We are unique in the tertiary sector of New Zealand, as we are the only wānanga that delivers programmes from foundation studies through to Doctor of Philosophy. This accent on higher qualifications is captured in the title, by the use of the term “Whare” to describe this institution as a higher house of learning, similar to the ancient Whare Wānanga academies.
Our programmes are designed to support and promote academic excellence and are benchmarked against those of other institutions. They are portable and transferable nationally and internationally. Therefore, it is important that we explore and integrate the world view of Māori and other indigenous peoples and engage in and critique the world views of others.
As a wānanga, Awanuiārangi is charged with delivering tertiary programmes grounded in kaupapa Māori and āhuatanga Māori. This means that Māori knowledge and practices are key components of the academic programmes, teaching delivery and student experiences.
Tikanga Māori and Te Reo Māori are central to the way in which we operate.
Some of our programmes have a high level of Māori language emphasis; others are designed to support new and emerging language learners. Mātauranga Māori and mātauranga-a-iwi underpin all qualifications, ensuring students have a strong cultural foundation and political literacy on which to build their academic achievement.
The rigour applied to pursuing academic excellence is based on two key philosophies. The first is that where research is a requirement, it is expected that a significant component will be based on solutions to issues, as opposed to simply describing problems.
Secondly, driving the thought and planning behind academic decisions is the desire for programmes have a transformational element. The focus is for students to gain academic credentials, and to ensure their learning has a tangible, positive outcome for their community.
Transformative approaches to educational achievement are a cornerstone of our broad and unique programme offerings, as we focus on providing an education that will encourage and support community development and growth.

Āhuatanga Māori is an integral component of the learning environment of Awanuiārangi.
Dr Mike Paki shares insights on his experiences studying at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi
Enrolment Administration
- Phone: 0508 92 62 64 or 07 306 3285 ext Fax: 07 307 1475
- Email: enquiries@wananga.ac.nz