Te Aratiatia ki te Hauora is a large mental health and well-being research programme, hosted and administered by Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiārangi, funded by Nōku te Ao.
Its primary focus is conducting research that informs strategies to support the hauora, mental health,and well-being of our communities. Additionally, it aims to create tailored research platforms that address topical or emerging health issues, while also providing opportunities to promote the growth and development of both tauira and tangata whaiora.
Given the broad scope and ambitious goals of Te Aratiatia ki te Hauora, our team of investigators is committed to ensuring that our resources and investments are strategically focused to support meaningful health gains and outcomes. We achieve this by leveraging our strategic relationships, fostering collaborations, securing external funding, and building capacity and capability. Additionally, we invest in a range of activities that align with our research philosophies and aspirations.
Here, you will find examples and brief descriptions of several projects currently supported through the Te Aratiatia ki te Hauora research programme including any training and development updates. As these projects progress and are completed, we will provide updates, along with access to reports, resources, and other relevant information. Please check our site regularly for the latest updates, information, and details on upcoming activities and events.
Primary Funder:
Project Spotlight: Papatūānuku Kōkiri Marae
Whakaoratia te Hinengaro
A new research perspective to revive mental wellbeing led by the community of Papatūānuku Kōkiri Marae. A community-based collaboration examining urban Māori views of mental health and wellbeing, the role culture plays in sustaining mental health and what strategies are possible to help support and sustain hauora Māori.
View the presentation delivered by Valerie Teraitua & Denise Neumann at Te Ara Hinengaro Symposium.

Papatūānuku Kōkiri marae in Mangere host a number of community activities including planting days
Professor Te Kani Kingi speaks on Te Aratiatia ki te Hauora
Whakapā mai/Contact us
Please contact us for any enquiries
Te Kani Kingi
- Phone: 0508 92 62 64
- Email: TeKani.Kingi@wananga.ac.nz