Rukuhia te mātauranga ki tōna hōhonutanga me tōna whānuitanga.
Whakakiia ngā kete a ngā uri o Awanuiārangi me te iwi Māori whānui ki ngā taonga tuku iho, ki te hōhonutanga me te whānuitanga o te mātauranga kia tū tangata ai rātou i ngā rā e tū mai nei.
Ū tonu mātou ki te whai ki te rapu i te hōhonutanga o te mātauranga kākanorua o Aotearoa, kia taea ai te kī, ko wai anō tātou, me te mōhio ko wai tātou, kia mōhio ai nō hea tātou, me pēhea hoki tātou e anga whakamua.
Para ana tēnei ara whainga, hei whakapūmau anō i te tino rangatiratanga, hei taketake ai te ihomatua Māori me ōna tikanga kia ōrite ai te matū ki ngā mātauranga kē. Koia rā ka tū pākari ai, tū kotahi ai hoki me ngā iwi o te ao tūroa.
Koia nei te ia o te moemoeā me ngā tūmanako o Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi. Haere mai ... me haere tahi tāua.

Pursue knowledge to the greatest depths and its broadest horizons.
To empower the descendants of Awanuiārangi and all Māori to claim and develop their cultural heritage and to broaden and enhance their knowledge base so as to be able to face with confidence and dignity the challenges of the future.
We commit ourselves to explore and define the depths of knowledge in Aotearoa, to enable us to re-enrich ourselves, to know who we are, to know where we came from and to claim our place in the future.
We take this journey of discovery, of reclamation of sovereignty, establishing the equality of Māori intellectual tradition alongside the knowledge base of others. Thus, we can stand proudly together with all people of the world.
This is in part the dream and vision of Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.

Āhuatanga Māori is an integral component of the learning environment of Awanuiārangi.
Committed to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi upholds and affirms Te Tiriti o Waitangi in its role as a partner with the Crown in the delivery of learning and education programmes in Aotearoa.
The spirit of Te Tiriti o Waitangi is expressed by the Wānanga through encouraging its staff, students and community to grow a sense of pride in, and an identity with, the cultural heritage of the tangata whenua of Aotearoa.
In its development of the distinctive character of wānanga as defined in the 1989 Education Act, Awanuiārangi recognises the critical importance of āhuatanga and tikanga Māori in its philosophy and in its day-to-day work. Under the Act, it exercises its right and mana to determine the essence and ethos of its own special learning culture and its identity with the spirit of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Āhuatanga Māori is an integral component of the learning environment of Awanuiārangi.
Cultural evidence is omnipresent in the buildings and surroundings. Strategically placed contemporary and traditional carved pieces immediately link the Whare Wānanga with the historical significance of the land it stands on, with Ngāti Awa, the tangata whenua of the area, and with the greater hinterland of the rohe of Mātaatua.
Tikanga Māori is inherent, and a natural consequence of the cultural view that Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi has of itself.
Our logo
The concept for the logo of Awanuiārangi was developed by Dr Hirini Mead and rendered by Len Hetet. The logo is significant because it visually depicts the history, ideals and aspirations of Awanuiārangi.
The stylized head represents an important ancestor, Awanuiārangi, who is linked to the Mataatua waka. The kōwhaiwahi pattern above the head of Awanuiārangi, ‘he tikitiki mō tōna māhunga’, represents our heritage, knowledge base and tikanga.
The colours represent not only the tears (green) and bloodshed (red) arising from the historical raupatu or confiscation of Ngāti Awa and Mataatua lands, but also a new beginning (white) and a willingness to move forward.
The triangle represents ‘whānuitanga’ (breadth of knowledge) along the top and hohonutanga (depth of knowledge), which is why the triangle is turned downwards, signifying depth. The motto represented by the triangle is: ‘Whāia te whānuitanga me te hohonutanga o te mātauranga.