Rukuhia te Mātauranga ki tōna hōhonutanga me tōna whānuitanga
Pursue knowledge to the greatest depths and its broadest horizons
Tēnei te mihi maioha atu kia koutou katoa i runga i ngā āhuatanga o te wā. Ka mihi ki o tātau mate e heke tonu nei, e heke tonu nei. Kua tangihia, kua mihia, kua poroporoakitia ratāu, no reira e ngā mate takoto mai rā, takoto mai rā i roto i ngā ringaringa o to tātau kaihanga. Ka hoki mai kia tātau te hunga ora, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātau katoa.
It is a pleasure to welcome you to Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi. You are here because you seek relevant skills, specialised knowledge and a highly-regarded credential. You want an education that equips you for the challenges you will face, that prepares you to contribute to te ao Māori, and that makes you stand out when it comes to getting a job.
In our fast-changing world, the right knowledge will be critical to how we shape our future. What, where and how you study is more important than ever.
Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi plays a distinctive and crucial role in tertiary education, providing an opportunity to learn based on the values of āhuatanga Māori according to tikanga Māori. Strong relationships with our communities of interest – in Aotearoa and internationally – drive the relevance of our academic programmes, teaching and research. Academic achievement and cultural competence are equally significant. Our graduates have discovered the advantage that an Awanuiārangi education can provide as they move into the workforce, and position themselves to make a difference within their communities.

Professor Wiremu Doherty, Chief Executive Officer, Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi
Qualifications: PhD (Auckland) BA (Hons), BSocSc, DipTchg
Iwi: Tūhoe, Ngāti Awa

We embed our values into our teaching and learning
Ngā Uara - Our Values
Our organisation has defined values (Ngā Uara) which we embed in the support, teaching and learning environments of Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.
Ngā Uara imbue a responsibility of duty toward each other and the wider community:
- Manaakitanga – To respect and care
- Kaitiakitanga – To protect and support
- Whanaungatanga – To value all relationships and kinship connections
- Pūmautanga – To commit to excellence and continuous improvement
- Tumu Whakaara – To inspire and lead through example
We are proud of our transformative approaches to educational achievement and our broad and unique programme offerings, and we continue to focus on providing an education that will encourage and support community development and growth.