Ngāti Awa representative

Appointment term expires: 24 September 2024

Ms Tania Rangiheuea was a former Victoria University lecturer in Māori and Women's Studies and is the Tumuaki/Principal of Waatea School and Waatea Early Childhood Centre in Mangere, Auckland.

She is a Kupe Leadership Scholar. Ms Rangiheuea has taught from ECE to tertiary education, bringing a wealth of education and research capability. She has acquired governance and management expertise and competencies across the health, social and media sectors that supports Iwi/Māori in economic, social and community development; treaty issues; politics; resource management; research and practice; women’s issues; land claims; ethnography; broadcasting and constitutional rights.

As a researcher for Ngāti Awa, claims manager for Tūhourangi and negotiator for Te Arawa, Ms Rangiheuea supports Iwi to move towards tino rangatiratanga.

She is a director on the board of Manukau Urban Māori Authority and Te Whare Wānanga o MUMA. Her financial proficiency and knowledge related to the complexities of contracts management and policy is complementary to the expertise on the Council.

Ms Rangiheuea was appointed to Te Mana Whakahaere o Awanuiārangi on 24 September 2020.

Ms Tania Rangiheuea (pictured)

Ms Tania Rangiheuea (pictured)

Council member: Ms Tania Rangiheuea

Qualifications: BA (Māori Studies); MA (Applied) Social Science Research (Victoria University of Wellington); GradDipSecTchg (AUT); Certificate First Time Principals (University of Auckland)

Iwi: Ngāti Awa, Tūhourangi, Te Arawa